An excerpt from “Living Forward…!   (a quantum leap and a Transporting of you VIEW…!   Changing themes, transitioin, Shifts and a God progression)

 Vision  is our PROJECTILE.



(Isa. 54:2, 3a) "Enlarge the place.. of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: Spare Not, LENGTHEN thy Cords, and strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt Break forth (!!) on the right hand...and..on the left.."


     And here is the Shift that we will continually need for a healthy transition.  The ability to in our willingness to receive the Heavenly and by that perception..MOVE OUT OF the confinement of our natural dilemma!  We will need to "Enlarge"to STRETCHto LENGTHEN and to STRENGTHENIn other words,  allow it ACCESS!  Thus...establishing our CAPACITY (!) to move, with the MOVE of God!   We must be EXTENDED beyond our limitation (the point, edge, or line beyond which something cannot or may not proceed), and allow the Word of God in our lives to EXPAND us, giving greater "scope" to the VIEW..!  THIS works in us "a continuance".  An "extending" above and BEYOND...limitation!  We must FIRST "download" PERCEPTUALLY the NEW that our inner can co-operate with the NEW program!  Amen!  For THIS is our "Preparation" for Breaking  forth (!)..on the right hand (beloved)..and on the left..!! 


     Our ability to Shift with the progressive MOVE of God in our in our ability to Break OUT of our pre-set "familiar" order to Break Forth..!  God is saying through the prophet, you have to "make ROOM...for it..!"  



     VISION becomes your projectile (hurling or driving forward) Vision...paints your "world".  It gives birth (quite literally) to GREAT possibilities..! important.  IT is your  limit of capability that will initially determine your maximum extent or distance limiting operation, action, or effectiveness.  IT (VISION)  is your ,range, ambit, compass, orbit, purview, reach, scope, sweep;   The way that we transition to the NEXT thing God has for us is to first...make ROOM for it! 



     VISION is our projectile (propulsion; impelling or driving forward, as a force



     How important is the "force" of vision??  (My...!  You ARE asking some explosive questions on today!!)   VISION, beloved..affects our effectiveness and range of motion.  It (vision)..will determine the maximum extent or distance limiting or unleashing our operation, action, or effectiveness.  Vision becomes OUR compass and determines whether or not we can "connect" (engaging) with the move of God.  Our inner view and our ability to latch ahold of what God is saying and showing the PURVIEW of, and ambit..orbit..sweep..OF what we...will indeed "access"!  In this respect, beloved..FAITH becomes in us..."vision".  Amen!   The foundation definition of faith biblically is IT (faith) is substance...and it is evidence. 



     It says in Heb. 11:1 "Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT seen..!"   



Let's look at that AGAIN, shall we?  Let's use this as a measure.


Substance  =  Real. (period)


Evidence  =  Already DONE..and determined!!

(and therefore evident, for that reason!!!), MADE..already..!


    WHEN those things we "hope" for..and those eternal UNSEEN things become in us SUBSTANCE  (real)..and evidence (ALREADY done!!) will CONNECT us and give us ACCESS into that 4th dimension, beloved!!!    WHEN God's Word and what we are believing God for becomes MORE REAL than the deficit we are encountering in the natural...we are in a ready state of RECEPTION.  This is real "receiving" (to take IN, in order to take away)....WHEN we pray.  Okay...let's go to that Scripture.  Matt. 11:24 says....


"Whatsoever things you desire, When you pray, BELIEVE (be persuaded of) that you RECEIVE them (in that MOMENT…take them IN, in order to take them away!!) and you shall HAVE...them (i.e., possess NOW, actually, that which is to be physically manifest in the future)" 


     This is TRANSITIONAL thinking and perception.  THIS…is an “able” Shift..!  It is transitionally effective (and apprehending) PRAYER.   (Again), REAL spiritual vision always incorporates the element of FOREseeing, and does not hold any feature of a “procrastinating faith”, that PUTS OFF for tomorrow THAT which is already PREpared and stands READY receive..on TODAY!!  REAL faith..will enter TIMELESSNESS and eternity  -  that CHRIST dimension, and LIVE in the promises that are “YEA..and AMEN”, OWNING and occupying them  -  seizing them…NOW ( pray)! FAITH, involves man's relationship with God and ETERNAL things...and a key signature identifying it AS that it embraces the UNSEEN evidence of the eternal..amid all other appearances that speak contradictory...and holds that substance, that evidence in HOPE (you are persuaded of it and therefore WAIT on it…with patience and composure, Rom. 8:25), until it arrives...physically and manifestly.  HERE in the above verse we see an example beloved...of  spiritually POSSESSING NOW...that which is yet to be fleshed out in the earth realm, or physically manifest at a given future time.   



     You see, it's a PERCEPTIONAL.... shift..!!  "HOPE" in this regard is never "passive" beloved, but it is intimately connected in a LIVING....expectation.  In this dear friend,..REAL "hope" never disappoints...!!  Why is that..?  It is because it HAS...already..what it says (we are getting to that!) and is spiritually POSSESSION of  it!!!  Now, you can with patience and a calm composure wait God's timing for that purpose, KNOWING..that it will Surelycome to pass.  We need to learn how to this respect.


     VISION..beloved, come in STAGESWhen dealing with STAGES of Vision....goal setting..short term, intermediate and long term planning etc., visions' Initial (first in time) operation in us is that we would first of all be able to even..CONCEPTULIZE (conceive in the heart and mind) the View, and that my friend deals with that part of us which is Perception



For example:   If you have ALWAYS lived in the projects, it may be very HARD for you to see yourself in a mansion.  If you've always known sickness as your bedside companion, it may be very..difficult for you to IMAGINE yourself..WHOLE.   One..must be able to "grasp" the VIEW, that these things are INDEED..a possibility for THEM!   Often we can believe for somebody ELSE, but we find it hard to conceptualize that same thing for ourselves!!  BEFORE I can "carry out" (through goal setting and planning) something, I must first be able to SEE...something.  I must "CATCH" a vision..before I can RUN with it.  SOME things are not taught, they are CAUGHT..!  There must come a dawning, an INNER awakening, a cutting on of the lights, THERE must come A  PERCEPTIONAL Shift!   Here we see the work of PERCEPTION.  


     While dealing with the Planning stage of vision, we understand that "Every endeavor is MADE successful by WISE planning and keeping abreast of then FACTS..!"  Amen!  The Bible even tells us that it is by "WISE counsel"..that we are to wage war.  I take NOTHING away from the vital stage of GOAL setting and planning beloved,..just so you know.  Again, VISION..takes place in stages.  And in this section we are dealing with PERCEPTION



     It's in this "Initial" stage of vision....PERCEPTION, that deals with the ability to even.. Conceptualize….through View.   It's  not  surprising  then  that one of the definitions for "conceptualize" is to FOREsee, or see.. BEFOREhand!  

PREvision (preceive)To  FOREsee in order to (listen, beloved) REALIZE beforehand..!  "Realize" beloved,..means that this thing becomes REAL to us..through first becoming real IN us through..our perception..of it.  Ultimately, the perception perceived must be substantiated into ACTIONS, but it is this very FIRST "sight" that will cause us to GRASP..the VIEW.  It is VISION...that causes you and I to see BEYOND...!!!  It gives us something to AIM at and (listen) PREPARE for!! Vision must FIRST be "internalized" (foreseeing it, foreKNOWING the "place" and the provision), and then foreTELLING it by prophetic that it can then in the physical manifestation of that thing!!  



     The IMAGE seen, the FOREseeing that God gives us of the FULNESS of the dimension, where "I am..that I AM" resides (The Christ dimension) where we can then begin to CALCULATE..according to the Picture/Image..apprehended!   The Word of God teaches us that WE are to "LOOK" these.....things (2 Cor. 3:18) that we may (literally) MIRROR...the Heavenly, into the earth realm! In order to MIRROR. must first be SEEN in order to reflect it!  

Let's take a quick moment to look at 4 dimensions...,,and then we will contiinue  :-)


1)  Past   

2)  Present   

3)  Future   

4)  And then thre is the 4th dimension*The CHRIST DIMENSION...!!

 Where it’s FINISHED!!   That is.....“ALREADY done!

 WHO is that
4th dimension..?  He is HE Who says of Exo. 3:14a, "I AM who and what I am.., and I will BE..WHAT I will
BE. "  

is HE?   He's the sum total of ALL.....there IS..!  When we stand in His PRESENCE we are in the Presence of everything,..and all there IS. UNLIMITED, and beloved..we are in HIM.."unlimited"!  We are HEIRS of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus!   He is IN us...,fullness!  We are in HIM...., COMPLETE


     There is a PLACE..beloved..!  The Place is in HIM(!)..and it is LIMITLESS and boundless by reason of...The "I Am"!!  

    Beloved, let's you and I take a moment..and espy the word....
"Vision", shall we...?  (you are so kind to walk with me...!  I tell you, we are bound to take in  some Heavenly scenic VIEWS on today...!!  

Vision  is a mental picture of your  future state. it's earliest and originating stage operates IN a FORMING agent...beloved.  In this stage..visions' assignment is to cause us to PREceive, to ponder a Heavenly PREpare us for occupancy OF it.    It deals with our IMAGINGS..and the ability to even...IMAGINE (conceive..conceptualize, picture). 



     BEFORE that thing can be materialized, it must first be CONCEIVED.  If you have always known can AFFECT your "perceptions”.   No matter HOW much you try and "teach" a person the how to's,...if his PERCEPTION is impaired..he will think you speak a "fairy tale" and will fail to CONNECT with your wise words and lay ahold of the instruction!!  And was this not the situation with the 12 spies who were sent out to ESPY/scout out the land of Canaan in order to bring back a report..? 



     There were only 2 (Joshua and Caleb) who carried within them an excellent spirit, who came back with the report..saying "Let us go up AT ONCE and Possess it, for we are WELL able to conquer it..!!"  The OTHER 10 spies..because they had IMPAIRED Perception..SAW that the land flowed with milk and honey, even brought back a sample of it's FRUIT..but then they turned and said (paraphrased) , "We are not ABLE to go up against the people (of Canaan), for THEY are stronger than we are.  It is a land that EATS ALIVE  its inhabitants..there's GIANTS in the land (!!) , and we were in our Own SIGHT as grasshoppers, and so they were in THEIR sight...!"  Now, contrary to "popular belief" ..these 10 spies weren't altogether wrong.., for the Word TEACHES us that we are not to be in ANY WAY intimidated by our adversaries, because (if we are NOT so, then) that is an evident TOKEN (to THEM) of THEIR destruction..and OUR salvation..(Phil. 1:28)!!!  It is altogether RIGHT that if we are fearful, discouraged and despondant in the face of our giants, they would SEE that as OUR downfall.  Yes? NOT the case here.  (somebody say, "THAT'S not what's going on HERE. NO!")  May I tell you beloved, the giants..had not even SEEN them..!!  WHAT we have here, my friend, is  PERCEPTION on tilt..!  They couldn't "make ROOM" for the LIMITLESS God!!  No limits...NO boundaries..!!!  How many of you know..that you and I can't be BIG in God (and the THINGS of God), if "little" GOT you..?!! These 10 spies had "grasshopper syndrome", for they said of themselves..(paraphrased) "There's GIANTS in the land, and we were in OUR OWN grasshoppers...".   While they were shaking in their boots, saying "the  GIANTS is gonna eat us A' LIVE..!" (snicker..!).  THIS was the PERCEPTION..with which they perceived.  There is a famous quote, beloved..that states that only 20% of what happens to you.  The OTHER 80% is what you DO….with what happens to you.  In this passage of Scripture, we can actually see that ..the PERCEPTION perceived played a  major role in whether or not they would ENTER the land God brought them to.  A land..flowing with milk and honey!   Again, CHANGE a man’s thoughts (and the WAY he perceives)..and you can change that man’s life!!  Amen!!    



     Joshua and Caleb, 2 men of excellent spirit agree with the report of the Lord, their PERCEPTION lines up with the Word of God..they say, "Do not rebel against the Lord, neither FEAR the people of the LAND, for THEY...are bread for US (WE will devour THEM)!!  Their defense and the shadow of THEIR protection is REMOVED from over them,..but THE LORD is with us FEAR THEM NOT!!"  Don't you just LOVE it (I sure do!!)?? 



     HOW do we CONCEIVE..the Word..?  The WORD, beloved.. is a Transforming force.  You have to rehearse the VISION (picture/oracle of the Word of God, IMAGE of the Heavenly). is by hearing and hearing..and hearing of the WORD of God that our Perceptions will begin to....Shift..!  "The ENTRANCE (to BREAK FORTH!!, engrave in the heart creating a doorway!!) ...of Your Word gives LIGHT (to become LIGHT, to cause to SHINE, to be illumined)..!  IT gives understanding (INsight...yes!!!) to the simple."  (Psa. 119:130)   For beloved, it is the WORD of the LORD..that is PERFECT, converts (repairing) the Soul..!  (Psa. 19:7a)  Amen. 



     SOME things are "received" not so much by "informing", but there must come an IMPARTATION, and therefore a CONCEPTION.   The warped perception of the SOUL of a broken by the power of that which  is REVEALED by His Spirit in the INNER.... man (that's a God breathed..word, "revealed", yes??).   And His WORD is Spirit..and it is LIFE, (John 6:63).  ALL transformation takes this routeIt's by the ROUTE of that which is "revealed"; it's by the way of REVELATION and having the EYES of our hearts..FLOODED with Light, so that we CAN know and understand, beloved..the HOPE to which He has called Us (!!) and how RICH is the glorious inheritance...(my, my Lord..!)  in the saints!  So that we may KNOW..and understand what IS the IMMEASURABLE and UNLIMITED...and SURPASSING greatness...of HIS POWER in and for us who believe (Read Eph. 1:17-23!!)  This comes by the spirit of wisdom and revelation of INSIGHT into the mysteries and secrets  in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him!  What is "hidden" in God is now REVEALED in Christ (THE Anointed One)  and in the anointing!  Revealed..."to LAY "sight'..uncovering that which was once..."hidden".  To remove the veil of DARKNESS that was once covering.  It's BY this initial operation of  VISION...that we can understand the SAME power that raised Jesus from the dead, abides now in you and in I, and that JUST as Jesus is now "seated" at the RIGHT Hand of the Father (which is the PLACE of authority!!) that we TOO are now RAISED in Him, through the new birth to now have OUR "habitation" the Heavenly PLACES in..Christ Jesus our LORD!  It FIRST...comes through the Revealing of all that unlimited immeasurable and SURpassing greatness of His POWER and that we may in turn..lay ahold of our inheritance in the saints, CAPTURING it in order to DEMONSTRATE in this earth realm (our personal lives and this WORLD)!  So that as HE (Jesus) was in this earth, so shall WE be!  Amen!   Somebody..pray (!!) "Father God...!!  cut on the LIGHT Papa, and transition Your Presence..!  In JESUS' Name..!  Amen!!!"  God must paint a PICTURE.  You've heard it said beloved, that a PICTURE paints a thousand words?  In this respect..THE WORD of God...paints the picture!  It ILLUSTRATES the image of the Heavenly within our inner vision, on the CANVAS of our souls, amid the perceptions of our hearts. Paint ON...Papa..!!


     As for the 2 spies of excellent spirit, I believe that we have some Joshua and Caleb's out there, who are SAYING.. "What ABOUT the giants in the land!! I BELIEVE GOD!!! I see right PAST those giants and INTO the Promise!!  I refuse to be refused!!  I DENY to be denied!!  I can GO where God says I can go (yes I CAN)!  I can DO what He says I can do (THROUGH Christ)!!  I can HAVE what He SAYS I can have (it's ALREADY mine)!!  I am NOT limited..(I'm IN the UNlimited One)!!  I am STRETCHED out and tied to the PROMISE!!!   Heaven is kissing earth and I am LIVING in Heavenly places in and through and by Christ Jesus my LORD!!  I can SEEEEEE....farther than I can look! AMEN!!  God has SENT the WORD Ahead of me (and I agree, concur and SAY the SAME thing that my GOD has said)!  PERCEPTION..plays  a major role in the vision PROCESS.  Yes?  YES!

     WHAT Gives us "vision"?  An excellent question beloved!!  While in times past we walked in "SENSE" perception (the 5 senses of natural sight, smell, hearing, "feel" like, taste like..etc.,  -  sense and reason without the Holy Spirit, and after the DICTATES of this flesh)..but Christ..we are to walk by the dictate of the Spirit of God and His WORD.  The Word of God is to be in us..VISIONFor this the Word of God says that "THY a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my pathway"!  (Psa. 119:105)  VISION is an important part of the process of our laying ahold of all that God has for us.  In fact, THIS kind of "vision" will sustain you when PLANS ....FAIL!!  It is understandable then..that the Word says "Where there is NO Vision people perish: but he that keeps the law (Word), happy is he"!  (Prov. 29:18)   If we KEEP the law of VISION..IT (vision) will keep us, beloved!!  For this reason, Isa. 26:3 says "You will Keep him in perfect peace, whose MIND is stayed...on You"!!  Amen!  IF we KEEP the law of vision we will not "cast off" our HOPE! something we must GUARD in is that which will keep us, and the PEACE that it imparts is the very umpire of our soul..!!  And where there IS not counsel of the WORD of God..people fall!   The WORD..

becomes in us VISION..and SPACE..and POSSIBILITY and VERITY..It becomes to us..the length the breadth the width the height the EXPANSE of our Unlimited God!  

The Glory of God is established in the earth...and His  Glory  revealed in the fullest amount and measure through His Body, WE have need to be ENLARGED ourselves.  It's as When Jesus asked His disciples in Matt. 16:13,15.."WHO do men say that I the Son of Man AM.."?  ...The more pointed question was "Who do you YOURSELVES....say...that I am..?".  WE..the Body of Christ ARE God's representatives in the earth.  AS such..we are to be not only representatives of God and His Kingdom in the earth, but we are to MANIFEST that GREAT the earth!   PERCEPTIONAL  shifts,  growth  and development.. are the call of the day and the need for ENGLARGMENT There is in this day in the Churches momentum in the earth...a coming (and even now has begun) a significant spiritual CONVERGENCE!  It's a preparing and a POSITIONING for future and continuing Glory..!  It is as the days of Heaven upon the earth!  It's when Heaven and earth "meet".  It's when Heaven KISSES the earth and she is an OPEN DOOR to the MAGNITUDE of God in the Self-revealing of Himself all of His granduer!!..!!  It takes place through His BODY.  WE..must be "enlarged"....!!  It also a day of SOULS!!  SOULS!  SOULS!  GOD is "enlarging"  Himself

 ..beloved (IN the earth, through soul winning)!  Yes.., He IS!!!! 


      It is a day of great MULTIPLICATION, and expansion AWAY from "hindrances" and into open doors and THE way!  It is a TIME of Shifts...transitions on many levels in many arenas,..and a changing of the guard..   Let's continue...beloved.




OLD  New Wineskins.....! 

                             ...Make  ROOM  for  it..!   

(Enlarge, Stretch Forth  -  Spare not!  LENGHTEN....and Strengthen..!)



(Isa. 54:2, 3a) "Enlarge the place.. of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: Spare Not, LENGTHEN thy Cords, and strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt Break forth (!!) on the right hand...and..on the left.."


     You know beloved, the Word of God admonishes us that we cannot put NEW OLD wineskins..!  The danger of that is that the that old wineskin will BURST!  You need to put NEW NEW wineskins...!  (Mark 2:22)  Amen!  And this is the problem that many of us are having in our TRANSITIONS.  We are still trying to operate as we did on previous level..while reaching toward the NEW...level..!  Beloved, let me hear you say,.. "Make ROOM for it..!" 


     The Lord needs us to be "ROOMY pasture"..!!  We have need to be "enlarged"..become INWARDLY "spacious"..and WIDE..(move out of constrictor and INTO the infinite God!)!  All that is to express that we must be inwardly RECEPTIVE and OPEN..(fertile) to the Word of the Lord!!  We must...PREPARE to receive, beloved!  We have to allow the Word..ENTRANCE.  The reason for Vision, as we have been speaking about here in this setting, because God wants to BLOW UP our VIEW of Him!  In this sense MAGNIFYING....Him (that's right, just like a magnifying glass!  YOU are so astute, beloved...) and the BIGGNESS of our God, the great grandeur of ALL..that He is..!  For this reason He asks Us.."IS there anything...TOO hard for God!!???..!"  Absolutely NOTHING..! 

We have need to SEE..IN Him..without bounds...without limits..(!!) in order to receive of the magnitude of that 4th dimension  -  we need to (inwardly) GROW.....large!!!!!  We have need to be Enlarged in light of HEAVENLY Parameters...!!  We must expand our girth, our CAPACITY  to receive the GREATNESS of our God and the things that He is wanting to DO in our lives!  God wants us to "BLOW UP..!!..", elevate, Heighten...and extend  broaden our CAPACITY.   Again, a perceptional Shift, and a progressive transitioning..that I speak of!!   He needs us to EXPAND....beloved in order to allow filling! 


     The scripture there says "Enlarge... THE PLACE!  That is, YOUR "space"..your locality..the DISTANCE (expand..!!) beloved,..the Region (there's some territory, some LAND and districts  to take for the Kingdom, beloved!)..your DIRECTION (the area, the vista, the AIM)..!!!!!!   (That is..) Enlarge it from one end or side to another or an opposite end or side!  ENLARGE it from beginning to end..! COMPLETELY!  (Spare NOT!!)  WE  are to make it LARGE..throughout the whole extent and total distance!!!    WE must INCREASE our breadth, our width, our length and height  (perceptionally) in order to TAKE in,.. "conceptualize" the above and the beyond!..


    Then beloved, it goes on to say that we are to let the curtains of our habitation Stretched..!!   Now, it is very interesting to note that in Psa. 91:9

 it says that the LORD….is OUR “habitation” or “dwelling”…place.  So that WHEN the Lord is saying we are to “stretch the curtains of our habitation, it isn’t saying that HE isn’t ALREADY as LARGE as He IS! The implication is not that there is any  “lack”  in  Him  or  any  shrinking  of  HIS  grandeur and magnitude, beloved, but the need is for be STRETCHED in HIM..(Who isOUR habitation!!)!!!  STRETCH in order to make ROOM..for the Glory of the Lord that He wants to reveal to us!!  Amen!  For this reason..we have need to let the curtains of our habitation.. be STRETCHED..!!  How BiiiiiG is your God…?  To YOU?  To what limit have you “assigned” Him..?  DO we hold Him in a box..and prescribe a boundary as to what HE will do in our lives???  How weighted ARE we by this flesh..that clothes our spirit..?   In this same way..I have seen people bound up in their worship of God.   Because if we could just SEE Him as He IS..we could not help but praise Him..!  Our WORSHIP would take on new dimensions!!!!!  IN the Glory of HIM!!!  WHERE does God “live”?  The Word says He “LIVES” (abides) in our Praise..beloved..!  I declare unto you today..if we would just make ROOM for Him..He’ll fill it up..!    He will not fail to BE there, where we’ve been ENLARGED and stretched to RECEIVE Him..!  Oh..that God would revolutionize our praise and our worship…of HIM..! Another word for WORTHship…!  To ascribe to Him….the exceeding Glory  and greatness due Him, and which belong to Him ALONE.  Worship…, rendering through our lives and through the fruit of our lips…the intrinsic WORTH…of Him!  I can fully understand the psalmist saying “with a LOOOUD voice…I will praise Him..!” , andBLESS the Lord….O my SOUL..and ALLLLLL that’s within me..Bless His Holy Name..!”  BE ENLARGED in me …Lord!    I am convinced, ..that an absence of praise is an inadequate VIEW of God.  We have need to stretch out in His heavy weighted Glory on today!


     Beloved..we have need to stretch out, be extended, Spread out, we need  spiritual  ELASTICITY!  We must be LENGTHENED.. by the WORD of God that takes us BEYOND (yeilding in US a continuance!!) our ability and into HIS sufficiency and His overflow!  To make LONG!  Be EXTENDED by that Word from God concerning your life..!  All this is the preparatory work of Vision to BLOW you up..beloved (not in your "flesh", but in your spiritual PERCEPTIONS)!  Give WAY to it and it..!  Be INCREASED by it..!  Somebody say..make…...…ROOM for it..! 


Let's look to an example, if you will beloved...:


     Take a man whose prayer is to have God Prosper him, yet this mans MIND thinks thoughts that are akin to a "slave mentality", that man has short circuited his PRODUCE!   


     THIS is why it is taught in the Word of God that God would that we "PROSPER (spirit, soul, body, financially and materially; in EVERY way) and be in health (a WHOLENESS word both of these words)..EVEN AS..our SOUL prospers..(or, is granted a successful issue/ or transmission!)!  A lot of people confuse "soul and spirit".  They are very much alike but they are distinctly DIFFERENT.  Again, man is a spirit,..AND he possesses a SOUL, he lives in a body.  A man's SOUL comprises the part of him where his MIND, WILL and EMOTIONS reside, or you could’s where his "thinker", his "chooser", and his "feeler" reside.   This portion of Scripture deals with SOUL prospering dynamic in order to move into and operate out of God's PROSPERITY.  You and I, beloved..will come into the fulness of prosperity and health as we are INWARDLY enlarged, proportion to our SOULS..prospering..!!  In the DEGREE of, or after that we have first of all..been expanded by  the Heavenly purview in the area of our THINKING, our CHOOSING (many don't WANT to "see", sad to say beloved.) We have been commanded to CHOOSE life or death, blessing or cursing, and then admonished to CHOOSE Life..(!!) so that we and our seed..may Live!!  And in the area of our "feelings", we must bring them into alignment with the WORD of God in every AREA of our life and living.  When that takes place..THEN we can begin to all that God has for us in and through and by Christ Jesus our LORD!  Hallelujah!  Our VISION...must be transitioned.  Our very PERCEPTIONS...must first of all know an AUGMENTATION!!  OUT of our perceptionally "cramped" places and into a WAY..!  OUT of..and INTO!!!    Tell yourself neighbor (I'll tell myself too!!), "Make ROOM...for it!!"  We need to be expanded in our RANGE of understanding and SCOPE.  God will bless you and I in proportion to our faith, and AS we can prosper and be ENLARGED through that Heavenly our SOULS!  This beautiful brother (or maybe it was a sister,..or maybe you..or beloved..maybe it was me) was sincere.  He tithed..he gave his offerings too.  He was believing that God would prosper him, but his..CAPACITY was cut first of all the smallness of his vision.  You see, he could believe God to bless him with a car..but perceptionally he "assumed" it would have to be something old, a bit broken down, used and most definitely, CHEAP



      He couldn't CONCEIVE (of the thought, the IMAGE did not transmit..beloved), therefore he couldn't...BELIEVE that God would bless him with a  He believed that God would cause his need to be met...but it was always with the idea of struggle in least just enough to meet my bills....  He didn't have any inward view whatsoever to the SURPLUS blessing, that MORE THAN ENOUGH issue (of Deut. 28:11).  See, there WAS not that kind of successful issue..WORKING in him, therefore..there COULD not be that kind of issue..RELEASED, or proceeding forth from him.  Remember, Eph. 2:20..(?), it's ACCORDING TO the power..that WORKING.....IN you and I..!  Amen!  Again, AS a man thinketh (where?) IN HIS he! she (Prov. 23:7)! Amen! 


     What was this man's PROBLEM...beloved...? (I know you really want to know, smile)   He was perceptionally "cramped" into the dictate of this worlds economy and the limitation that it was presenting to his perception, what with rising fuel bills and home heating costs, he was LIMITING God.  He was PERCEPTIONALLY..warped, and locked into LIMITATION HE perceived lack ...not FULNESS..!  He was yet BOUND by the form of the PREVIOUS  -  bound by and tied to a lesser dimension..!!  HE was regulated within the "small-casing" of the OLD man, and had not realigned his the NEW!  He had yet to be STRETCHED by the Heavenly parameter..!!  Beloved, he had "hamburger mentality"...but God had a FEAST He had PREpared for him!  He was believing God for that precious crumb, and God was truely wanting to give the brotha' a LOAF!!  Why?  BECAUSE it's the Father's GOOD give us the Kingdom!  He, beloved!  Amen!   It's not that we aren't thoroughly grateful to God for that crumb, it's PRECIOUS when you don't have, but God has so much MORE He keeps prepared..for you and I!  Amen!!  Understand me...THIS is the work of our PREPARATION to receive.   As for..this brother, he could believe God for just enough and he lived on "barely getting along” street..and he GAVE the way he believed, and the way he lived...., he gave "JUST meet the basic biblical requirement".  Beloved..our giving..increases our CAPACITY to receive..!  Amen! THE that THIS man's VISION had not been take IN anything larger than his meager expectations.  The SPACIOUSNESS of abundant supply had not yet been "transmitted" to his SOUL.  There had not yet been deposited in his receptors in order to reflect anything, so he reflects what he KNOWS...of this earthly realm.  So therefore, he operated on an inferior wavelength.  THE PROBLEM: No TRANSMISSION of vision yet achieved.  Therefore nothing of that magnitude could be RELEASED in his life.  He has not been renewed in the spirit of his THINKING.  Funny thing about "transmission"You is a "controlling" device, and dictates whether or not vital information...has been announced to the receiver.  Amen.  In a car beloved,..there is a thing called a "transmission", and if IT is stripped, that car isn't GOING anywhere (O.K?).  It’s the transmission that sends POWER to the driving axle. key.  Beloved, WHEN we fail to "connect" with the POWER SOURCE (Christ Jesus and all of Heaven's supply) we are like branches.. disconnected from the life giving "Vine".  We "bear FRUIT" of that we receive the regulating device of that HEAVENLY image inside of us.  It's first SEE.. and then YEILD to it's purview..that we Shift our PERCEPTIONS from being "held back",  to being "Made free and empowered", from being ill, to being WHOLE, from being..impoverished, to seeing ourselves as Abundantly supplied in Christ Jesus, from prayers that are rooted in LACK ..and that "poor" prayers that are prayed out of the FULNESS....of that HEAVENLY SUPPLY and INEXHAUSTABLE resource in Christ Jesus, where there is NOTHING missing, NOTHING lacking.  THESE are ABLE...Shifts (!) that we are to make IF we are to partake of the FULNESS of  "WHO" He is. 


     As for was by my first seeking Him, not for His hand..but for His manifest Presence in my life (I am so dependant, I NEED Him completely, and I just wanted Him right up IN my face, beloved.  This DIVINE encounter..and sweetness, THAT…my "favor" be) that He then in return..and in His LOVE ...began to OPEN His hand to my vision.  WHAT He did was put in me a DIVINE discontent that gnawed at my living condition.  Me knowing what the Word taught on prosperity, and operating in biblical principles..still not seeing that in the degree I needed to in my daily life...I found I was not CONTENT to live "in need".  It came a time a "moment in time" that a Holy Ghost breeeathed prayer came up in my Spirit filled spirit, a prayer He prayed in me, a prayer He PUT in me upon my bed one morning, "OOOohhhhhh FATHER, ENLARGE my borders!...and my feet beneath me, for the PLACE has become too small for me".  This was BEFORE the "Prayer of Jabez" came on the scene.  I needed ROOM…to “dwell”..!   It was fervent !!  It was INTENSE..and deeply impassioned, it was one of those consuming prayers that had a life of it's own (if you can understand me in that), it engulfed me,.. a PRAYER to the God of my salvation.  It was a CORE rendered release of a desperate NEED to SEE manifestly…the Glory of the Lord in the land of the living and IN in a way I was not experiencing my life.  My inner man bearing strong witness..that there was MORE.  MORE of God and His goodness, THAT He wanted to release into my life…   A “portion”, a PLACE..a depth…that I had yet to “tap” in Him.  MOVED inwardly, the Spirit of the Lord in my Spirit filled spirit ,.. breeeeeathed a the GOD of my…..salvation.  He desires GOOD for our lives..beloved.  He desires that we partake of His FULNESS.  He loves us so.    It is no doubt IN me that He PUT…the prayer and the FORCE of it in me to be released.  I knew it was God.  The prayer sprang from spiritual DEPTHS, it was in the Spirit.  It was THEN, beloved, that God began to speak to me that He was going to "ENLARGE" me and "INCREASE" me.  I received it with the faith of a trusting child.  A year or so later, He said to me "Daughter,...take the LIMITS off of Me...!"  MORE stretching..!!  It was then after that He said "TELL My people, to TAKE the LIMITS OFF...of ME!"  And from that time on..He has been ENLARGING me inwardly..and I have been granted a "grace" that has allowed me to Shift..(!) beloved I am "making ROOM" for it (how about you on today?  You too??)!  I am a spiritual sponge of late, it seems..i.e. in the last 4 months.  My family and I incurred a record breaking and significant financial increase 4 months ago that blew our natural minds.  It met a lot of needs too AND some..surplus!  I have thoroughly enjoyed sowing seed and blessing the work of God in the earth..!  He gave seed to the sower, and beloved..more than enough bread for the eater..!  O, BLESS the Lord!!    I am now moving inwardly and growing in a whole new dimension and PERCEPTION.  I am FERTILE ground and I am being groomed in His Presence with an excitement that rivals that of a child!  I'm so FULL of wonder, and deep in WORSHIP!!   He absolutely AWESOME!  Soooo PRECIOUS!  What I thought I knew, is being re-vamped, and I am having to re-align and take in NEW scope.  He's cut the LIGHT on, you may say..and He has CAUSED me to see a PLACE in a way I have never seen it before.    If I were a “room” where the Spirit of God could say..I’ve already been “furnished’ in Him.  He’s already done some decorating in me and He’s been “working” on me.  Then came the moment in time..that He decided to REarrange some of my furniture, and lengthen me…and I’ve been ENLARGED in the process.  Yes!!  I've been able to SEE (literally) this "PLACE" of complete provision and total supply  -   not only financially..but in EVERY area of my living!!   I set myself to never LIMIT God again..!!  I’m WIDE OPEN to the Move of God, there is absolutely NOTHING..too hard for Him..!..!!  Amen!!  Somebody say, “this isn’t “fleshly”, no..THIS is spiritual!”   Beloved,'s in the Anointing..!  It was LOVE...that did this.  LOVE.  It..was love, most tender.  It's His good PLEASURE, you see.   He derives delight in the prosperity of His servants.  (Psa. 35:27)    It's His Goodness..beloved.   The Lord's been so good to  me


     The FORCE of the very COMMUNICATING of the message itself! Amen!  How IMPORTANT is vision?  How needful is it?  We are in need of a SUCCESSFUL issue.  God needs to break IN, that is, transmit to OUR preceptors.. so that we can to BREAK FORTH OUT!  Depending on what we have been intercoursing and interconnecting with as an IMAGE in our receptors.., it is that picture which will be released in us, and OUT of us.  The IMAGE will determine whether or not we are repressed or RELEASED!  It will be the distance between being BOUND or free!  Sick..or whole.  The POWER of thought and the EMOWERMENT of Vision and view...are vital.  The allowing of a Heavenly view will insure in us an "Immaculate Conception" , beloved.  There must come a TRANSFER....a Shift...!  A switching of gears.  There must come a Translation...a shifting of FOCUS..a realignment of our VIEW and point of focus.  VISION and an important component of the process, beloved.....  HEAVEN is beckoning to us a greater expectation than you and I often WALK in.  Heaven is disclosing to us today..a GOD expanse and Heavenly panoramic of the BIGNESS..of our God..!!!  MY......!  Just for a moment...., allow yourself (yes, you...!) to take in the VIEW.



     The PICTURE is a part of the process, and is the initial (and introductory) work of our  PREPARATION.   It is the precursor and preliminary work of Transmission which is our first in time preparation.  the  sending  of  a  signal, a  picture,  or  other  information  from  a  transmitter.  HEAVEN is sending us a PICTURE today, beloved..and I believe we are getting it!!  Hallelujah..!!  O BLESS His Name!!


     So then, (again) Isa. 54:2,3a begins by telling us we have NEED to "ENLARGE" the PLACE ..beloved!  We must CONCEIVE the WORD by our EXPANDING.."the PLACE"!  (is there a PLACE in your today my friend, that needs healing? Is there a DEPTH in Him you are longing for?  You desire desperately , deeper, wider..greater..?  Your inner man knows there’s “more”…?  Perhaps it's a place in your life that needs a financial breakthrough, you desire the spirit of poverty to be broken of your life!  WHAT is the "place" for YOU today??) 



     We have need to become Spiritually PREGANT, but first...we must "CONCEIVE SEED"!  The Scripture teaches us that the sower sows the WORD.  In this parable of "the Seed and the Sower" (Matt. 4:14), the Word is likened unto SEED, that once sown into good soil, IMPREGNATES the earth it is sown into.  "SEED" there.. is Greek word "sperma", wherein we get our word for SPERM.  SEED/ something that is sown, i.e. seed (including the male "sperm").   By implication it speaks of offspring, specially, a remnant (figuratively, as if kept over for planting) --  "sperma" or seed is defined as (listen now...) "issue". to have    "successful.. ISSUE"!  There's been some successful SEED sown and transmitted..IMPLANTED into the good soil of our HEARTS (or spiritual womb), I believe there are some receivers today!!    Also beloved, along the lines of "issue", there is that which is RELEASED..!  It is the receiving of something,..and the subsequent RELEASING (to spring forth OUT) of something.   ISSUE. 



Note: WORD and WORK...are identical!!   We REAP, as we have "sown", yes!  An IMMACULATE required in order to reap the benefit of the Kingdom.  For, if we sow to the flesh, the Word teaches us that we will OF the flesh, REAP corruption; but if we SOW to the Spirit, we will OF the Spirit everlasting (Gal. 6:8)!!  It is a PRINCIPLE.   In the instance of an "immaculate conception", One.. "CONCEIVES" of that Word sown!!  See, it's INCORRUPTIBLE seed..(1 Pet. 1:23)!!   One of the root words for SEED is "speiro", and that speaks of being... EXTENDED through the action of "scattering seed"!   WHEN we sow the seed of the Word in our hearts (our "spiritual WOMBS) what we are doing is being "extended" or..ENLARGED..!!  We are being LENGTHENED..!!!!  We are become "augmented" (my God, my God, beloved!).  We ARE being "STRETCHED".   By the very ACTION of sowing the SEED of the Word..we are being (listen) expanded, and GIVEN..a "continuance"..!!  Did you know that seed SOWN gives you a CONTINIUANCE??  It’ll push you right into your next season of increase!  Seed sown into the good soil of your heart, coupled with action..will multiply…in the earth!  We can...SPREAD OUT..!   The WORD was received, or  "taken IN".  WHEN we sow the seed beloved, we are actually being EXTENDED, in OUR "earth", or the ground of our  our receiving SEED, the SPERM of the Word!!  We become through this action, IMPREGNATED!!  O beloved, we must allow the SEED of the Word to be implanted (sown) into our hearts, that IMPREGNATE our spiritual WOMBS by way of CONCEPTION (conceptualizing it, taking it IN..and OWNING it in order to!) that we can begin the process of gestating "offspring", and BREAK forth..!  Birthing that IT'S season.  Amen!


     We all know beloved that the WOMB of a woman with child must EXPAND in order to allow ROOM for the baby that she is carrying.  IN the same way we must first of all CONCEIVE the Heavenly panoramic by way of  PREPARATION.., that is, the making of ROOM..for it in our HEARTS.


     The Word of God goes on to say,..that we are to "Lengthen..your CORDS!"  That is STRETCH them long and pull 'em taunt..(!)  THAT which  connects us to the Heavenly vision.  A CORD is line..made of twisted fibers or threads, a string,.a connection..a BOND....A TIE... a TENDON...a ROPE..a link..a ATTACHEMENT!!  HOOK-UP!  Force that binds or restrains The CORD attaches or connects to something else...causing something TO BE BOUND FAST!  In the significance of ADHESION, and in that...., strength!



     In the same way, when a woman is with child beloved...there is a thing called an "umbilical CORD"..that CONNECTS a baby to the mother, while in utero (uterus).  In fact..the baby is fed by means of that cord!  It is a source or means of support or sustenance while it is still gestating inside the womb.  AS it is in the natural, so it is in the Spirit..that we must first of all CONCEIVE the vision by ENLARGING our CAPACITY to HOLD it..and then keep CONNECTED to it by means of an "INVISIBLE umbilical cord", which will give to our VISION the necessary life giving substance…that will cause us to CARRY that the birthing!  We "ANCHORED" to the vision by the WORD of God, by PRAYER..and FAITH which is the substance of things HOPED for..and evidence of things..NOT SEEN!  By spoken WORD..!!!  We must HOLD the vision in LIFE..., and carry that thing to TERM!  A CORD in the natural..serves to "join" ...something to something else. 


      And then  the Word says  -  "SPARE NOT!!"  Don't conform to your previous mind-set of limitation..but instead, TAKE THE LIMITS Off of God..!!   Make ROOM for every part, throughout and in every aspect COMPLETELY!!  Strengthen your "stakes" and anchor that thing DEEP into the earth of your that it not become UPROOTED...!  We must be ROOTED and grounded (to pin through, or fast) in the WORD of this affords us to be STRENGTHENED.. in His might and His faithfulness!  And WHY are we doing all this...??  Oh, I believe that you already know!  It is BECAUSE that after we have DONE the WILL of God, that is this vital work of preparation...the Word goes on to say to us we will then...receive manifestly the promise (Heb. 10:36), and "BREAAAK  forth (!!) on the right hand AND..on the left!"  In other words..what we were pregnant with is going to BREAK or Burst out of it's enclosure!!  "Break forth"  (Greek, parats {paw-rats}) right there actually MEANS......."to BREAK OVER..the limits..(!!)"  and INCREASE!!  OOOOOOh, beloved, I tell you..that Heaven's promise is going to SPEAK and lie not!  AmenPraise  His Holy name..!!  We are GOING somewhere in this..!  THIS is a tasty and tantalizing portion.  Let's...go deeper still, shall we?  




 Vision   is our PROJECTOR.....

  (The Word, the SOUND God makes..!  SOUND projection. "Echo" and Precocious viewing. Birthing the WORD..!!)



     As we left off, the previous portion, we make statement that Heaven's promise is going to SPEAK...and lie not..!!  Did you know..that Heaven has a Sound?  Did you know that there is a SOUND...God makes?  Hmmmmmm, let's look INTO that.  Go with me now to Gen. 3:8a, where it is written of Adam and Eve that .."they HEARD the VOICE of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool...of the day...". making a SOUND!  Or more to the point.., GOD in heaven is making ..a SOUND!!  God's SOUNDING some things beloved, and this SOUNDING is what we will from here on out term "GOD speak".  Let's look at a couple of other Scriptures to get a little deeper in the teaching here. 


     In 1 Kings 18:41..we have Elijah the prophet declaring to his servant Ahab..that He has heard a SOUND..saying to Ahab "Go UP, and drink, for there is the SOUND....of the abundance of rain."  Elijah HEARD something..that his servant Ahab..had not HEARD..!  In the natural..SOUND is defined as "any audible vibrational disturbance; transmitted vibrations of any frequency, something HEARD".  In Barry Truax's Handbook for Acoustic Ecology, Sound consists of BOTH physical or ACOUSTIC aspects AND psychological or PERCEPTUAL aspects (remember, we've been talking about "PERCEPTUAL...Shifts..!!).   Here in 1 Kings 18:41 we see Elijah speaking of a SOUND..that he had heard from God, and something..was "made KNOWN" to him, i.e. there was the SOUND....of an abundance of rain.  It is the "sound" GOD is making.  Something..within that SOUND....has been made to "shine" to him..or made CLEAR to him, to his PERCEPTIONS THERE'S been a Divine "transmission", a DECLARATION of Heaven


     WAS it an Auditory experience that Elijah "HEARD", when he heard the sound?  That is not necessarily clear.  We DO know that it is an auditory impression of a sort.  As we know, God can speak audibly if  He so chooses, (even still) we usually understand Him to speak in the still small Voice in our spirits.  We "perceive" that He has spoken in us, a thing.  First and foremost, God SPEAKS to us through His Word, and anything HE says..must line up and be in agreement with His Word.  He will “impress” our spirits with a word.  I personally have never heard God speak in an audible Voice, but I have known people who have said that they have heard God speak audibly to them.  In ANY case scenario, we know that the Word says..that His sheep know His Voice (John 10:4, 27).  They “know” and they hear HIS Voice, and the voice of a “stranger” they will not follow.  They KNOW (`eido) His Voice, that is i.e., to “See”… as in to perceive, discern, the force and meaning of something that has definite meaning; they HEAR (akouo) His VOICE…in that they are endowed with the faculty of hearing, and attend to it, they..comprehend, understand His Voice!  Amen!  His VOICE will never disagree with the Word (Logos) of God.  The Spirit of God will never SPEAK contray…to His WORD.  For there are THREE that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are  ONE.”  (1 John 5:7) 


     Let’s look into the Word, beloved.   In Acts 9:4..when the Lord spoke to Paul on the road of Damascus..He SAID to him, "Saul, Saul...WHY do you persecute Me".  Was that a sudden audible event??  We really don't know.  It is clear that it is the implication of SPEECH, and sound,....tone and the utterance of words.  WHEN the Lord spoke to Samuel, the Word says that Samuel heard the VOICE of God calling his name, and he answered the Lord saying "SPEAK Lord for Your

servant is listening" (1 Sam. 3:4-10).  Was that an audible effect, an audible emitting of sound? We can not really say.   In Luke 9:35, the Voice of God is said to be coming from out of a CLOUD..!  “Voice” there is the Greek word “phone’, and it means “sound, tone…the SOUND of uttered words…, implying speech, language, tongue, a declaration from Heaven though no speaker is seen”.   God’s Voice is described  in 1 Kings 19:12 as "a still small Voice" (whisper calm, gentle), and in Rev. 1:15 as "the SOUND of many waters"  (as in the SOUND of water in rivers, in fountains, in pools;  many waters..great and a multitude).  The VOICE from Heaven is described as the voice of "great THUNDER"  (Rev. 14:2)..and "the sound of lightning cracking the sky."  We see this in Psa. 29:4-9 where

it says, "the VOICE of the Lord is powerful; the VOICE of the Lord is FUUUUUL of majesty.  The VOICE of the Lord BREAKS the cedars of Lebanon.  He makes them also to skip like the calf; Lebanon and Sirion (Mount Hermon) like a young, wild ox.  The VOICE of the Lord splits and flashes forth forked lightning.  The VOICE of the Lord makes the wilderness tremble; the Lord SHAKES the Wilderness of Kadesh.  The VOICE of the Lord make the hinds bring forth their young, and His VOICE  strips bare the forests, while in His temple everyone is saying..."Glory"...!!!"   O, Bless..His gloooorious Name..! 


     Whether or not this SOUND from perceived as audible or not,...we must understand ..that Spirit.   He's NOT "a Spirit", no..because then He'd be limited, and we know that He is not  TOO...if He were "a Spirit", then  simply because the "S" is capital in Spirit, “a Spirit” would indicate that there is MORE GOD'S beside Him (..alongside Him, HIM and others just like HIM!), and we KNOW..that He's GOD..AAAAAALLLLLLL by Himself (O  bless the Name of Jesus, Most High God!!), and beside  Him (apart from Him, except HIM, without Him, there IS no “other” variant of HIM!!   And the Church said, “Amen”!)..the Word says, there IS None Other"! (Isa. 43:11; Isa. 44:6; Isa. 44:8; Isa. 45:5; Isa. 45:6; Isa. 45:21; Hosea 3:4;  And the Church said..”Glory!!”)    In Heb. 12:9, it refers to God as the FATHER of spirits, i.e. the progenitor of all spiritual beings and men. 


     GOD is SPIRIT.  Therefore anything that God is revealing beloved, is SPIRITUALLY discerned, ..weighed and reckoned.  In Hab. says "I will stand upon my watch , set me upon the tower , and will WATCH to see..what He will me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved."  HERE we have the prophet standing his order to SEE what God will SAY (??)  The "point" is..that the prophet speaks of seeing with his EARS!!  The HAND of God, the EAR of God..etc., these are not NATURAL hands and ears..eyes..etc., these are SPIRIT discerned workings that REVEAL...the heart and mind, the, of God.  The     prophet is  standing  upon  his  watch  to  SEE     what  the  Lord  is  saying; God is  SOUNDING" ...something. Yes! making a "sound" beloved, God is "SOUNDING" some things!  We see this even more clearly in 1 Cor. 2: 9,10 (Amplfd. ver.), where it says "...What EYE has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man all that God has PREpared (made and keeps ready for those who love Him..who HOLD Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed.  YET TO US God has UNveiled and revealed them by and through His Spirit, for the Holy Spirit searches diligently, exploring and examining everything, even SOUNDING the profound and bottomless things of God (the Divine counsels and things hidden and beyond man's scrutiny)."  Amen!  God has REVEALED them by His Spirit...He, ..."SOUNDS" ...the profound and bottomless things...of God!  THESE things 

were hidden in God, but bless God, beloved, they are REVEALED in Christ (the Anointed One and in the Anointing)!  They are "revelation", something "unveiled" by His Spirit.  Something His Spirit has "laid bare" to our spiritual 

PERCEPTIONS (not through our natural senses).  They are not so much "heard" as they are... PERCEIVED..things.  They are described, beloved as "PROFOUND" things (amplfd. Version).  Something that is "profound" something that is "DEEP", or situated and existing at  a GREAT DEPTH!  "Profound", and the depth of an ocean (remember, His VOICE is as the SOUND  of many waters..!!!),  He takes on the amplitude of a great and many waters rushing in upon themselves, with waves.....and breakers...!  Yes...! 

 The "SOUNDED" things from the Spirit of God, are UNPLUMBED 

..i.e. they are things..that have not been MEASURED with a plumb line!  In other words..they ARE things that "EYES have not seen..(!!) nor have (natural) ears HEARD"!   They are not understood or explored in depthas  “an idea, theory, feelingor experience.”   They are TOO DEEP to have been sounded or plumbed.  (Are you getting anything out of this?)  this?) The Divine counsels and things hidden and  beyond man's scrutiny are...SPIRIT revealed (Jer. 33:3!).

Amen!!  The VOICE of God, i.e., the Holy Spirit..will  SOUND....these 

glorious PRE-pared things to us beloved!!  And THEY are OF the  Spirit.. discerned,

estimatedand appreciated. Back to Elijah in 1 Kings 18:41, what Elijah is "hearing" is a WORD FROM GOD..that there is to be in the ABUNDANCE OF RAIN...!!



     God's in this section termed as "GOD speak""God speak" is whatever GOD says!  It is THE WORD of God (logos).   It is..the SOUND God makes...!  "GOD speak" is to SAY ....what GOD says..!  To...ECHO..what God has said (vocally in agreement with, and SPOKEN forth)!!! "God speak". 



     God's WORD beloved, an "ECHO"(What do I say?  You are just so hungry tonight, I love it!!).  In this section we will define echo, beloved.  ECHO is defined as "the reverberation...of an ORIGINAL sound.  It is the repetition of a SOUND by the reflection of SOUND WAVES from off a surface......(okay...).  An ECHO is  the act or process of repeating ("re" = again),  repetition,.... duplication, re-iteration, restatement, retelling.  It is the reptition of sound...via reflection ..repercussion, resounding,  reverberation, reflection of sound.  An ECHO is to SEND BACK.....SOUND..!  To imitate another is to parrot, copycat (colloquial), to be a mimic, mime..monkey (slang), ape (slang), imitator."


     *  The SIGNIFICANT thing that we are bringing out about an that an ECHO (listen)....flows OUT...and  it RETURNSThe a RETURNHmmmm, THAT'S richer than it first appears...!  Okay...let's go further, beloved...!!!  


        You's kinda funny, my friend, but..when a pregnant woman is seeing her gynecologist, she is often scheduled to have a procedure known as an "Sonogram" While that does not seem "funny" in and of itself, it is so amazing to me..HOW this procedure is performed.  You see, the sonogram is performed through an ULTRASOUND machine, and it works a particular way.  Let's check it out! 


Pregnancy ultrasound is a method of Imaging the fetus (what are you PREGNANT with) and the female pelvic organs during pregnancy.  The ultrasound machine sends out high-frequency sound waves which bounce off  body structures to create a Picture.  (transmission….of a sound wave creating a PICTURE)


     AS it is in the natural…SO it is in the spiritual!  When we RECEIVE, become “impregnated” with a Word GOD spoke, that SOUND, that ECHO is the resonance of HEAVENS IMAGE…, and it’s our FAITH which has MADE it substance and evidence in US!  What has happened that the IMAGE of the PROJECTED..onto the SCREEN of our hearts/our spiritual WOMB!  It is as this point…that a PICTURE…can be imaged….ahead of time..!!  BEFORE that baby is even BORN.., by the process of Ultrasound…the IMAGE of the of that baby can be PROJECTED onto..a actual SUBSTANCE.  As verifiable EVIDENCE!!  My God..!!  Vision is our PROJECTOR.....


     You may remember that in elementary school..the teacher sometimes made use of a machine called a "projector" that helped us in the viewing of some image..upon a screen.  She used "a PROJECTOR".  That word projection speaks of "a projecting or PROTRUDING...part"!  To cause to “jut OUT..or protrude.”  



     IN photography..projection is the act of reproducing on a surface  by optical means, a remote Image on a film, slide, etc.  Simply, it's an IMAGE so reproduced..!!  When the IMAGE of the Heavenly is "projected into the HEART/ spiritual WOMB of the believer.. CONCEPTION has taken place!! And as you know, beloved..PREGNANT women..have this little….."bump"!   This  

PROTRUDING..and jutting tummy..that is FULLLLL of baby!   PROJECTION  another  definition  is  spoken  of  as as  "predicting"  (!!!), it is... "the CALCULATION of a future...thing".   Another very forceful definition of the word is " to THROW FORWARD..!!"  Vision is a mental picture of your future state.   Oh, I don't know if anybody knows where I'm going with this, but I could just about bite the back of my chair right about now (smile

beloved!!), I LOOOOOVE ...the Word of God! 

     I want to speak with you about....Receiving the ECHO'S    (an ECHO..

 flows OUT......and it RETURNS;  the a return;   hmmmm.....let's look further).  Receiving the ECHO'S ...has to do with The Law of ReturnWhat is that Law of Return all about?  Well, remember that an ECHO flows...BACKWARD

...and  FORWARD.....?  IN the same way,  the PURPOSE of a word... is to Reveal The spoken Word, when mixed with FAITH...becomes the "prophetic" Word. ECHO..flows backward..AND forward, we begin to see a law in motion.  It is  The Law of Return"The Law of

 Return" friend is THIS (note this closely...):


Action..and REaction; 


           Action..and REsponse..TO action; 


                           Speaking...and creating


                                          Creation..and..NEW creation



    In Isa. 55:10,11..we see how God's WORD ("GOD speak!") as an 

ECHO ..which returns upon ITSELF..not as "empty" or VOID of result,…but it returns back upon itself (JUST like an ECHO repeating an original SOUND) as 

Fulfilling what it was fulfill!!  It is written...

 "For AS the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater.....SO...shall My WORD BE 

...that goeth forth from My mouth;  IT shall not  RETURN to Me void (without producing any effect..or useless)..BUT   IT  SHALL ACCOMPLISH  THAT 

...which I please and purpose, and shall PROSPER in the thing for  which" 


   (Listen) During an ULTRASOUND, beloved...the Return of the sound wave to the transducer results in the same process that it took to Send the sound wave,…

 just in Reverse.  The EXIT…is a RETURN!!  The return sound wave vibrates the transducer's elements and turns that vibration into electrical pulses that are sent from the probe to ultrasound scanner where they are 

processed and transformed into a digital Image.  "SO SHALL MY WORD 

BE that goeth forth from My mouth..!  It shall NOT return back to Me VOID of result, but it's going to FULFILL the which it is SENT..!!”   God is saying,. (paraphrased) “THAT thing IS going to reverberate BACK to Me, but NOT without FIRST doing what it was DO..!!  It’s GOING to come Back to Me, but not EMPTY of it’s intended result..!!”  

     What is seen on the SCREEN the SUBSTANCE and the EVIDENCE of SOUND........that has been sent OUT....and returned Mirroring visually the embodiment or IMAGE of that sound..., digitally.  We see here the Law of Return in it's proceeding and prophetic stage; we are SEEING..a digital IMAGE of coming events.



     AS it is in the it is in the spiritual...beloved.  What the process of having a sonogram...we have established that it is the picking up of a SOUND..that is reflective of some..SUBSTANCE and EVIDENCE in the womb of the woman.  The SOUND is actually "echoing", or turning BACK on ITSELF (reverberating an ORIGNAL....sound) ...and REFLECTING as a PICTURE, an  actual baby in the womb.    Now NOTE, if you will...that this BABY is not "due" yet.  It is not OUTSIDE of the womb at all.  That baby is still invetro (still within the womb)..but we can Now!!!!  WE, through this process of UltraSOUND ..can SEE FAAAARTHER than we can LOOK!!!  Oh..I don't know about you, but this excites me!  You see...FAITH..allows the spiritual EYE...a  "PRECOCIOUS Veiwing"!!  THIS is “precocious viewing” is what we will call  “PROPHETIC IMAGINATION”

beloved!!  A WORKING in the faith and VISION process.     * Faith is MORE THAN “imagination” or the inner IMAGING of the finished product, and also requires a PLAN and the setting of  goals, as a way of proceeding  - Move us (in the natural) toward our vision, but this ”Prophetic Imagination”  is an ESSENTIAL part of the vision process!!  Amen! 



     The UltraSOUND as the eyes and HEART of OUR FAITH..!!  It REVEALS.. "substance, and evidence" of our "expectation" (HOPE!)  It's allowing see AFAR OFF, and that instead of just LOOKING forward to the little bundle (that baby)..we are, through the EYE/SCREEN of FAITH.... enabled to Liiiiiiiive Forward!!  I'mactually HAVING (possessing 

right NOW) what I SAY!  I have NOW ...the "END" of my faith, beloved!   (listen) I am STRETCHED out and tied to the PROMISE (there's an INVISBLE umbilical CORD)!!!   I'm ENLARGED, expanded..!  I am "lengthened" (toward the HEAVENLY View, and) Heaven is kissing earth and I am LIVING in Heavenly places in and through and by Christ Jesus my LORD!!  I can SEEEEEE.... farther 

than I can look!   AMEN!!  God has SENT the WORD ahead of me (and I agree ,concur and SAY the SAME thing that my GOD has said)    I'm in Time-lapse mode....!!  That thing is blossoming before the appearance of leaves!!....(just like seeing it on a screen during an ultrasonic procedure.  You can SEE it...

before it comes to the BIRTH)!!!!!  Never think beloved, that when you stretch OUT on a Word from God..that just because it's "invisible'.., it's NOTHING.  There's a discernable difference there. 


Time-lapse mode....


     Of, using, or being a technique that photographs a naturally Slow process, such as plant growth, or the stages of a pregnacy, on movie film at intervals, so that continuous projection of the frames gives an Accelerated View of the process.  (!!!!!)  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, beloved ...I'm OUTTA "time" (and all it's limitation and constriction) and into ETERNITY!!..!!!  (My God, My  

GOD!!!!)   I’m not speaking of death “out of time”, NO!  I’m speaking of a spiritual POSITIONING and carriage, a definite POSTURE I am holding by reason of  this accelerated VIEW of the process!!  Amen!!  That prophetic Word GOD spoke from out of TIMELESNESS (and eternity) has Shifted my total view and expectation  

OUT of the encapsulation of natural time and space with all IT’S natural limiting dictates, , and I have entered into  the Christ dimension, where its a DONE 

thing (ALREADY done)!!  Oh, hallelujah!!!  ENJOINING my vision with that which is the prophetic Word!  I now can PRAY prophetically, beloved,…because a PROPHETIC prayer PREceives BEFOREHAND a FINISHED work or the END 

of the thing!! Amen!  Yes!!    That prophetic Word GOD spoke from out of 

TIMELESNESS (and eternity) is now PROJECTED and stamped onto the screen

 of my life (past, present..and future).


      That thing is BLOOMING before (before..BEFORE...before..) the appearance of leaves!!  SONOGRAM/Ultrasound, THAT thing is blossoming before the appearance of leaves..!!  It's ripening early through precocious VIEWING.  Make ROOM for it!!.....!  Make..ROOOM for it!!!   Now, not only LOOKING forward (expectation)..but LIVING...FORWARD (because THAT BE!!).. beloved..!!!  Somebody say.."Play it..FORWARD"..!!  "Play it.....  

FORWARD"..!!!  My God..!  My God..!!!  MY God!!!  NOW I have conceived 

the Heavenly IMAGE (where it's ALREADY done and PREpared), there's been an "IMMACULATE conception" and It is being projected on the screen of my heart as REAL SUBSTANCE, and as a PREVEIW of a coming attraction (smile).  (Pregnant) My BELLY is JUTTING out, and being made it is "Projecting FORWARD..!!", that is, it is extending outward or UPward 

beyond the limits of the main body.  Just goes to show you beloved, anything PREGNANT will eventually "show"!  That WORD will be IN you like 

FIRE...shut up in your bones..!!  You are going to "show" eventually once you

 have "conceived" dear one..!



      I now can PRAY..prophetically, because my heart is PREGNANT, and the vision my heart is pregnant MORE real, than any other contradictory "evidence" presenting itself!  My SOUL is prospering by the SEED of the Word (there's been a successful ISSUE, or transmission) as I "KEEP the Word before me day and night,  I'm MAKING my way...prosperous"!  My eye of seeeeeeeeing FAAARTHER 

than I (flesh) can LOOK!    I have a PRECOUSIS Viewing of a DONE thing..that is yet to be "displayed" manifestly in the earth realm, as I am in "time lapse MODE".  I am "seeing" and I am  SPEAKING forth..out of that HEAVENLY panoramic!  Let’s

 look deeper into that, because that is IMPORTANT, my friend.


     You see, God…SPOKE the worlds and all their content into EXISTENCE!  

When God made His man in the book of Genesis (the book of beginnings and “origins”), beloved.., HE MADE him in  HIS “image” and after His “likeness”.   He MADE him another   “SPEAKING spirit”, like Himself!  

LIFE..and death are in the “POWER” of our tongue..!  Wherein in Gen. 1:2 we see the Spirit of God “hovering” (brooding, and percolating) over the face of the deep, and OUT of His mouth He SPEAKS into the formless void and creates.. 

changing the SUBSTANCE of that thing INTO…what He spoke!  And where

Vision aims,.. WORDS  “Frame”(!)  and theyRELEASE POWER that will produce (bear FRUIT) after their “kind” (words…,  words, beloved...ARE powerful CONTAINERS!).  How IMPORTANT are our words, dear one?  In Heb. 11:3, it is written, that “We understand that it was BY FAITH…that the worlds (cosmos) were Framed (fashioned, PUT in order and equipped for their intended purse, given function and functionality..shape, and form) by the WORD of God (it  was SPOKEN word, beloved, it was God speak!), so that what we see was not MADE out of things which arevisible.”  Amen!  WORDS.. ”frame”!  

We will indeed HAVE..the “fruit” of OUR mouths (it will produce “offspring”!!).  

(Inner) Imaging will SPEAK, for “OUT of the abundance OF the heart..the MOUTH..(itSPEAKS” (Luke 6:45)!  


     Prophetic PRAYER, beloved...not only perceives or CONCEIVES, grasps..and REALizes..that thing..!  But  it  PREceives , beloved!  It doesn’t just “comprehend” and recognize, APPREHENDING the Heavenly IMAGE.., but it REACHES…FORWARD (!!!)  It..doesn’t just espy and APPRECIATE the View,..taking it IN..but it decrees and Receives (when??) NOW, the "END" of its faith (it’s substance and evidence that was grounded in a LIVING expectation)!  Prophetic prayer is released from the wellspring of that which is Already DONE..and determined!!  It is the verbal and Spirit VOICED ISSUE..Of the spiritually PREGNANT!  PROPHETIC prayer  SPEAKS.., ECHOING BACK the SOUND..GOD made!  And as Prophetic DECLARATION, decrees.. "God speak", and it is verity and it is TRUTH!   IT is substance, and it is evidence.  The Word says "You shall DECREE (declare it!!) a thing and it shall be ESTABLISHED unto you (the Greek says, it comes on the scene, and it will be caused to STAND): and the LIGHT (of God's FAVOR) shall shine upon your ways."  Again, the POWER of a Word is to REVEAL (manifest!!)!!..!! 


      WORDS....are powerful containers!!  Vision aims,..but Words FRAME!  Beloved,..YOUR life, a WORD "fitly spoken"!!  In fact he Word says, that you and I were IN Him.., CHOSEN, "before" the foundation of the WORLD (Eph. 1:4)!!  Your DAYS..were written in a book before HIM when there were yet NONE of them (Psa. 139:16)..!  God SPOKE you Out of eternity 

and timelessness, and PLACED you in Process you and I accordingly, as He has PURPOSED in Christ (out working eternity in our lives).   Prov. 4:18 states that,  "the PATH of the righteous is as a shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect DAY..!"  YOU, my friend..are the direct 

Verbal articulation ..and manifestation, of a Divine thought; and you are the EXPRESSION of His manifold workmanship.  You, in time (chronos)..are the "turning of the page"..another thing (altogether), unlike any other He's created before, or since.  How glorious.....the creation of His sight.  YOU are the Divine accent upon His phrase when He said..."BE"!!


     Come on, go with me to Genesis the lst chapter, 3rd verse.  (did you know that you are so precious??)  Beloved, here we see God speaking (it’s “God speak” Church)..and God says "Light BE....and light...was"(paraphrased).  A question: 

When...was LIGHT "Real"...,when God SPOKE IT....or..when it was physically manifested..?  I declare unto you this was when God!  WHEN He spoke was "done"!  When He decreed it's was then and there..that it was MADE.."completed..and finished".  The physical manifestation

..was but the fruit..of the FINISHED SPIRITUAL REALITY!  And so it is with you and I.   I love how Bishop Clarence McClendon puts it (and no one has said it better to my hearing)..."its...REAL..but it's not YET....manifest!  It's PURPOSE, just not yet public; it’s DONE and determined

..but not yet displayed!"  You see everything BEGINS....with God. the Alpha and the Omega..the Beginning and the End.  There IS nothing.."made"..that HE did not make.  FIRST...the spiritual..and then the natural.  We are discussing  ALL and I included..are but an ECHO of God.  The result of the sound GOD made.  And GOD said.. __(put your name here_)_..

BE!!!!  And you were!  His Word..echoed out into the order and configuration of.... things...and that word didn't come back "VOID" or empty of a result..but it ACCOMPLISHED..what it was sent to do.    Hence..YOU are here.. and me, I'm here..and all of creation.  Again, you are a WORD.. "fitly spoken" (Prov. 25:11)!  You and I.. are but..a "Reverberation (reverb)..of an Original sound"..that is..the sound GOD made! 


And God says in Gen. 1:3, "LET there BE.." "BE",..exist..come into being,..come to BE.   Did you know that our God is named "THE Amen" in the book of Revelations (Rev. 3:14)?  "The Amen" meaning, He is faithful and TRUE!  His name in this sense is describing His verity,..His character as that which one attributes absolute trust and confidence in.  HE is THE AMEN!   

 "Amen"  means, "at the End - so it is, BE it!!" No wonder  

He speaks of your life saying "He Who has begun a GOOD work in you..will 

COMPLETE (perform, executed it) it"..!  It's sealed with THE "AMEN"!!!  WHEN God says.."I AM....that I AM", He could have said.."I BE...that I BE"..!!  When He says "I AM", in the original's saying, " DONE", or "I...

be FINISHED!"  THAT is why beloved, that whatever proceeds from the mouth of God is ALREADY  “done”..ALREADY  “finished”!!  WE  then  need  to appropriate it!!!  Amen!!  God says of Himself, “I AM…!”, He  is saying "I... 

EXISTand am...REAL!!  Everything that proceeds OUT of God Enters process, but it is no less DONE and Determined.  It is REAL and it is FINISHED!   God is saying of HIMSELF that HE is FINISHED spiritual REALITY!  

 HE  "AM", He is alert...and ACTIVE, a present tense verb!!   That’s why it states in  2 Cor. 4:13.. (the apostle Paul is speaking), “We have the same spirit of FAITH as he had who wrote, I have believed, and therefore have I spoken (past tense). We too believe, and therefore we SPEAK!  They SPEAK..not as in the past tense, or even in the future tense, but beloved..they SPEAK in the Now tense!!   WHY?  

It’s BECAUSE it’s SPOKEN out of..the “I AM”  -  IT is “GOD speak!”, and it is DONE..(!) it is NOW determined, and we have NOW..through reception and conception the END…of our faith!  Oh..hallelujah, beloved!!!!  He BE,. beloved.   “BE” states that a thing...has immutable qualities, and speaks of something that is ENTIRE, certain..and complete...and whole;  “BE” is also a PRESENT TENSE verb..and is indicative of a Now point and time...a present moment.!!    He is forever FAITHFUL to watch over HIS Word to....perform (do) it (Jer. 1:12)! 

     Back in the book of 1 Kings..beloved, we see Elijah receiving and becoming impregnated with a Word from God...and he has to BIRTH that thing….!  Come on, let’s go there.


   THE POWER of a Word is to...REVEAL!  

     (Birthing the Word)


     The WORD of God says in Hab. 2:1,2 that the Vision….will SPEAK

beloved..and IT will lie not!  It says “Write the Vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may (be able to) READ (it easily and quickly) as he hastens (STRETCHING forth out) to the End (fulfillment); it will NOT deceive or disappoint: THOUGH IT TARRYwait (earnestly) for it, because it will surely COME; it will not be behindhand on IT’S….appointed day (IT will SPEAK….and lie NOT!)”  Amen!!!



     THOUGH that thing “tarry” or may seem to be lagging behind in timing,…though that thing may take awhile to see it’s fulfillment, it’s “lingering”…seems to be delayed  -  WAIT..on it!!?  WHY so???  (come on, you know beloved!)  WAIT, because you are GOING to Reap, if you don’t faint!  That word “WAIT” right there beloved means..”TIE  A  KNOT IN  IT..!”  In other words..STAY right There!!  Don’t MOVE away from the Vision!..!!  Now, that’s pretty awesome, yes?  YES!!  As you WRITE the Vision on a tablet (go on and do it, journal it.  It’ll stand as a RECORD in the earth) ..and also ON the “tablet of your HEART”, you are PROJECTING the Picture, that Image of the Heavenly..!  NOW you can “Run” with the vision!  NOW you can STRETCH out in it.., and CARRY that the day of it’s completion!  You don’t “cast away your CONFIDENCE” wherein is GREEEAT recompense of Reward (to “pay back” again, Heb. 10:35), because even though your BODY in SUSPENDED “in time”, and within the order of the rules of nature and it’s restriction, (listen now) it is important to grasp that  there IS no “time and space” in the Anointing!  That 4TH dimension ..impacts the natural order, my friend!  That being the case, now that you are STRETCHED out in a Word from God, beloved..and by doing so have effectively transitioned into timelessness and eternity (the Christ dimension, that 4th dimension, beloved) where the WORD of God isALREADY done”!   You are holding onto (that is, TIED to) the Word God spoke (God speak)… ……are… in…a state of perpetual  (and uninterrupted) “Time-lapse Mode”. 



     Again, for your refreshing, beloved....“Time-lapse Mode” is:  


     Of, using, or being a technique that photographs a naturally Slow process, such as plant growth, or the stages of a pregnancy, on movie film at intervals, so that continuous projection of the frames gives an Accelerated View of the process (!!!!!) 



     Time-lapse Mode is simply that you are VIEWING what may be a  (potentially) “naturally SLOW process” (because there Is a “time and a season” for every purpose under heaven.  Eccl. 3:1;   That thing has an APPOINTED time for it’s fulfillment, beloved) at an “Accelerated” frame!  (And) THOUGH that thing “TARRY”, YOU are seeing just like your Papa God sees, you are SEEING that thing…from the END…to the BEGINNING!  You are CONNECTED to the Vision!  You are locked into Immutable counsel (the WORD of God)!  You are speaking prophetic declaration, of a DONE and determined thing!  Patience can now have HER perfect work (James 1:4), and you are living FORWARD..!  Birth it..!  Go on, beloved…PUUUUSH!  BIRTH it!!  …”THOUGH it tarry Wait on IT”!!  You are not going to become “weary” in your WELL doing” for in DUE season,..that’s right…(!) when that thing that you are PREGNANT with becomes DUE  you are going to BREAK forth OUT.., and the fruition of it will MANIFEST, you are going to REAP (Gal. 6:9)!  On it’s appointed day…That thing is going to SPEAK!!!  IT will Surely come, and lie Not!  Hallelujah! 



     Amen!  The POWER of a to REVEAL (manifest)!!  One last example of this, beloved.  In 1 Kings 18:41-46, we see our brother Elijah..”hearing” a WORD from God (God speak), a SOUND of “the abundance of RAIN”  Note, God didn’t reveal this to his servant, Ahab.  But God spoke this to Elijah..  Elijah is PREGNANT..with a Word from God!  In verse 42 we see he immediately goes up to the top of Mount Carmel , which is  a indicative..of  a “Spiritual Elevation”,..and it was THERE …upon this “spiritual elevation” beloved, that the Bible says that hebowed himself down upon the earth..and put his face between his….knees.  How many of you know that THIS is a BIRTHING..position??!!  You see..Elijah needed to BIRTH that..that thing!  (and you’ve got something to BIRTH too, beloved!! )  He is not just LOOKING forward to it, as the text might seem to state, but..Elijah is in a “Time-lapse Mode”,!  He’s VIEWING that thing at a progressive interval, and he in a LIVING expectation, so much so…that he sends his servant Ahab UP..(my God!) to look toward the bring back news of whether the thing that GOD spoke.had begun to manifest.  In fact…he SENT his servant…7 times, the Bible declares.  How many of you know that the number 7 is the number of “perfection, maturation, completion, fulfillment”?  7 is very important here, and it is no “accident” that this particular number is cited.  For you see…beloved, THAT thing had to come into it’s DUE..season.  It had to come into it’s “appointed time”!  Ahhhhhhh!  It goes on to say…that at the 7th trip that his servant Ahab takes to look out toward the sea, that he comes back to Elijah and reports to him that “a small as a man’s hand is arising out of the sea.”  It was then that Elijah says to his servant, “Hitch your chariot, Ahab..and go down..lest the RAIN..stop you” !!!  (paraphrased)   And the Bible says… In a LITTLE while”…!  What a profound statement.  IN a “little while”.   Beloved, you have to WAIT on it!  It may not COME as fast as you and I would “prefer” it (smile), but if God SAID it, He’ll do it!  If He SPOKE it..He’ll MAKE it good”!!  It’s…earnestly hastening unto manifestation!  The Bible says that…”In a LITTLE WHILE, the heavens were black with wind-swept clouds, and there was a greeeeeat rain!  Ahab (the servant) went to Jezreel.  But the most astonishing thing to me was..that “the HAND of the Lord was on Elijah, and he..girded up his loins, and though Ahab traveled by chariot …….Elijah RAN (by FOOT!) before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel (nearly….twenty miles)!..!  How many of you know..that a WORD from God will cause you to RUN faster than those who don’t have one? “Write the Vision, make it PLAIN upon a tablet..that he who READS it may RUUUUN etc.”!! an AWESOME God, on today.. beloved!  I hear the sound of JOY bells ringing in my soul!  O BLESS the Name of the Lord!!  Hallelujah!   Remember to…






PRODUCE (!!) ...THE WORD....!!!!

Beloved, it has been so good to just good to share with you  here in our space!!  Until we meet agan may our gracious Heaenly Father continually bless, nourish and keep you  Until we meet again...!! 

                    Yours In
 Christ and IN His Agape,

                                   Minister Barbara Brownell Wias Gore


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