You know, beloved..I don’t know about you,..but I don’t want to be MOVED..by just anything! But the truth is we ALL have been “moved” at some time or another over the course of our walk with God..HOWEVER slightly. The Word of God teaches us that IN HIM - that is IN Christ Jesus we, Church.. live, and MOVE..and have our being! (Acts 17:28) That Word "move" has as it’s definitions words like stirring, an agitation..like that of a washing machine. It speaks of being spurred to action, to throw in commotion..or CHANGING from one position TO another, we “MOVED”, to set in MOTION, to dislodge from a FIXED point of view, just to name a few.
How many of you know that ..our FLESH/carnal nature is always wanting to “react”,…but the Spirit of God in our spirits..teaches US to “RESPOND”. Oh, I know that they mean pretty much the same thing, but I want to offer a distinction in order to illustrate their differences.
The FLESH “reacts” to stimuli that is outward. RESPOND brings to the table a Spirit decorum that is not “stressed”, or fearful..etc., but ANSWERS whatever is going on with a course of conduct and manner that is CONTROLLED by the dictates of the Spirit. It ANSWERS with the WORD of God!! It is the RESPONSE/ANSWER of the Spirit RULED/governed! The FLESH…always likes to “react”, or MAKE itself "conformable TO" what is going on AROUND it, acting out in negative ways, and like my bishop SAYS, the FLESH is like “MIKEY. It’ll eat ANYTHING!! Just NO discriminating….taste..! The Spirit of God will ALWAYS answer..CORRESPONDING to and in alignment with to the good the perfect, the acceptable WILL of God - ANSWER will serve Purpose and respond CORRECTLY. The FLESH is always moving about, flitting from this point..to the next point without making a STAND..anywhere! The Word of God is SETTLED in Heaven, and will not pass away (Psa. 119:89 Luke 21:33)! It’s like a Catalyst, it’ll CHANGE whatever it’s introduced INTO, mixed with faith - but it, ITSELF..remains UNCHANGED. It’s…IMMUTABLE counsel, it gives ANSWER!
The word “MOVED” in the Word of God, speaks of..beloved..being MOVED AWAY from our hope and security in Christ Jesus. That means, the WORD didn't change, we just..M O V E D. We..instead of remaining in covenant with GOD, cut covenant with doubt, fear..unbelief..etc.! The SECRET of not ever being MOVED away from your hope and security in Christ Jesus..is to REMAIN in TRUTH! There is a thing that the Lord spoke to as “A DISCIPLINE of Truth”. It’s something the Lord spoke to me about 8 years ago. In Eph. 6th chapter we read about the WEAPONS of our warfare, one of them being the BELT OF TRUTH. We are to continually have our loins GIRD (girdled) with TRUTH. “Loins” are the private areas were the REPRODUCTIVE organs are located in our bodies. It’s a PLACE..where “force” and vitality are released in the power to procreate. FRUITFULNESS springs from here. But the KIND of fruit it PRODUCES is dependent on the SEED sown into it. You've heard it preached that you have to be CAREFUL who’s sowing SEED into your garden, well..this is WHY it is so important to have our loins GIRDLED by TRUTH! It’s because we will PROCREATE after whatever we are allowing ENTRANCE into that place of REPRODUCTION. “As a man THINKS in his heart,..SO is he” (Prov. 23:7), REPRODUCING..either TRUTH or lies. Blessing or cursing. Life or death. Well, what is TRUTH, you may be asking.
People have a lot of theories as to what they believe TRUTH to be. Some people equate truth to be FACTS. The descriptions of “truth” are too innumerable to look into here in our little time together, beloved. But we know that the Word of God says “Thy WORD, O Lord is TRUTH”! (John 17:17) TRUTH is a Person and His name is Jesus Christ! A great tactic of the enemy is that he will take your outward situations & circumstances and try to use them to get you into DOUBT and then accuse the Word of God! But the devil is a liar today, beloved!! WHEN we “move away from” our place of stability and truth, then we move away from out place of POWER. When we get our eyes off of GOD and begin to behold untruth, lies and deception of the enemy..we have lost our spiritual IDENTITY, and no longer are identifying with our God, but with that untruth. If you've..”drifted” from shore today beloved..then STIR up a PURE remembrance! Re-position yourself and get your IDENTITY back! Developing in a DISCIPLINE of TRUTH, is vital to our stability and consistency. We NEED that in order to ENDURE…to the END! Amen!
When we ANSWER, as in response to that trial..then we will ECHO Heaven’s reply to that situation. Not stooping to the level of the attack like the FLESH does, as in a REACTION. But in the savvy of the Spirit of God..just ANSWER the thing!! Through GREAT..endurance you and I rise to the occasion and IN Christ we are MEET for anything! Indeed, we can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US!! Beloved, we are LEAPING over today...what we stumbled over yesterday!!! Hallelujah!!!
In His Agape,
Minister Barbara Brownell Williams-Gore
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