"A Second Wind....!"



     "A Second....Wind......."!




The dream.......must become YOUR OWN...and not just a repetition of someone elses observation.  Not just a familiar "sight".  It's got to become VISION.  And..A PART of you.  ..The prophecy spoken over your life..must be IN you..MORE THAN air..released from human lungs and human vocals..(a spoken word..over your life)...it must become in your "knower"......BREATH (!!)
...the breath of GOD..and the Voice of God..and Spirit (the Holy Spirit)......  The "inspired" word spoken over your life..must be in you not just inspired (because one can become UNinspired, and "lose spirit")..but IMPARTATION (to... saturate, pour into;  and infusion)  My..my..my God.  Learn...the dance.


   What happens...beloved..when we've HEARD the word, received THE WORD..and waited ON the Word..and instead of seeing the fulfillment of that thing as we thought it should carry itself out..the thing lingered ...and we are in that place on the journey...BETWEEN the promise..and the fulfillment of  the promise?  Believe it or not..that "in-between" time..is called.... TRANSITIONIt's the timing..that's BETWEEN..the leaving of a given point...and the arrival..at the next...point.  The time... BETWEEN..the inception (beginning)..and the fulfillment.  It's an..intermediate time..the time..in THE MIDDLE.  What if I told you today..that your "transition" can be ENDED...as you wait?   (Hmmmmmmm..mmm)  You may not have "arrived" at that given place..in the natural , because in the natural..you are STILL WAITING to see the fulfillment...of that thing (i.e., it's manifestation)  .  But..if you and I..in the SPIRIT..SEE..the  END of the thing from it's beginning...then we have just mastered..that God-perspective..and can now...."REST".   Your spiritual "transition" has ended..because you are POSSESSING the promise.  You LIVE  in the place in God...that says.."It's DONE".  Therefore..I'm no longer in the "hoping" stage..of faith, I've gone on to the "I recieve it, and render it IN me, and in my vision..as DONE".  I beleive this is how the gift of FAITH..operates.   It's faith in GOD'S faith.  That HE has purposed it, and for that reason..it shall not deceive or fail to manifest, just as He said.   The Word says.."Abraham believed GOD..and it was accounted to him for righteousness" (Gen. 15:6).  It didn't say he "believed the promise" and it was accounted to him as righteousness.  No.  But...he believed GOD.  The promise...only gave him the opportunity  to believe GOD!  Amen!  For of a truth, the promise is only as good...as the one who..gave it.  Amen.  Yes..   So..God gives us His WORD..that these things that He has purposed..will not fail!  But they will come to maturity and pan out..even..as He has said.   (Let's stay on track here)   It's at this junture of inward actualization and affirmation..where you've received it AS DONE.. that you level out..and are POSTURED..in HAVING what you say (and even though it's not yet physically manifest, it is no less DONE, and determined.  It's...REALNOTE: Distinguishing between physical transition, and spiritual transition.  I speak of an inner view.  A spiritual perception:  that when you HAVE...a thing (i.e. received it BY FAITH), then..you no longer need to "long for" it..as if you DON'T "have it" or have not recieved it, because you've transitionalized to the level of POSSESSING it. "For how can one hope...for what he already SEES"  (Rom. 8:24a)  I introduce to you today...a GODward view..that SEES (spiritual viewing) FINISHED spiritual reality.  In the natural..if we HOPE for what is still UNSEEN by us (or yet to physically manifest),  then we WAIT for it with patience and composure."  Teach us Holy Spirit...HOW to see.  Teach us..how to WAIT.   LIVING the dream..and not just looking forward  TO it.  In the natural.. you may indeed be "looking for it"..., but in the Spirit..where we are to LIVE and move..and have our being...we are to "LIVE forward"..and LIVE..the dream in our lives....in a POSTURE  - inwardly viewing that thing as being AREADY fulfilled...(even if it's not yet manifest... physically).  Transitional...levelingHere..you "rest" For those of you that have "run out of patience" today, and have fainted..or felt near fainting, this is for you.  Beloved.. what you are needing today......is a SECOND wind...! 




                The REST..of God



   What do I mean by "REST"?  I'm glad that you asked..!   This  REST is not speaking of a natural rest ...but..the spiritual REST of God (in the greek, ANAPAUSIS).  "And..having ENTERED INTO HIS REST".  How many of you know..you have to ENTER IN...?  And we do that..by FAITH!  By receiving..!  And then..the soul...rests...in God.  This "rest..of God" ..is not the rest..FROM WORK..not the rest..of inactivty.....but.. is IN YOU..the harmonious  WORKING (uh huh..)..of all the falculties and affections  -  of will, heart, imagination, conscience.. BECAUSE each has found In  God (oooh..Hallelujah!)..the ideal sphere for its satisfaction..and development

   Go with me and read Heb. 4th chapter (for the sake of space I will not write it out)..where it is speaking expressly about the Sabbath Rest, and how WE enter into God's rest.  It speaks of God completing the work of creation..and on the 7th day...He "rested" from all HIS works.  Then it relays to us..that WE are to cease from OUR own labors..BELIEVE God..and enter into HIS rest. 


   "For he who has once entered God's rest..ALSO has  ceased from  the weariness and pain of HUMAN labors, just as God rested from those labors perculiarly His own.  Let US therefore (for this reason) be zealous and exert ourselves..and strive diligently to ENTER THE REST OF GOD, to know and experience it for ourselves, that no one may fall or perish by the same kind of UNBELEIF and DISOBEDIENCE..into which those in the wilderness fell".  Heb. 4:10,11 (the whole of the chapter is RICH!  Read it..!  Amen)  On the 7th DAY of the creatiion narrative, God RESTED…from His works.  The NUMBER 7….in Biblical numerology means “COMPLETION, perfect”.  God’s REST…is a place where we find His SUFFICIENCY perfect and we are COMPLETE In Him!!  It’s  FINISHED (Jesus cried out, “IT IS FINISHED!!”)…work, the work of the CROSS of Christ in the purchasing of our OH..so GREAT a salvation and subsequent benefit gained.  



   Hab. 2:20..says "The Lord is in His Holy Temple: let all the earth keep silence before Him."  When God is IN His Holy Temple ("know ye not that YE are the temple  of God" 1 Cor. 3:16..uh huh..!)..then all the EARTH (flesh).. "keep silence"!  What am I saying..?  Having then.... "entered" INTO...the rest of God (meaning..you are allowing His REST to be operational in you)... then you  CEASE from your works.  I tell you beloved..this is a 7th day spiritual reality.  WHEN you enter into GOD'S rest..you cease from YOUR labors.  You just REST..in the knowledge that GOD said it!  And YOU believe it!!   This is the PLACE..in God..that is "the CHRIST dimension".  The place.. where it's ALREADY done.  HERE..the "struggle" ceases.  God's  Word..is  no longer just  spoken to  you ...but it has become REVERBERATION ..within you, ..and a saturation throughout!  He's IN..His Holy temple.., and WE are IN HIM..in the "Holy of holies" (so to speak)..the place where only GOD is..and no flesh.......can dwell..then and ONLY then...will we will CEASE from our labors..and CEASE from our struggles..and just REST...in the mind..the will..the purpose..of God.  HIS WORD becoming our lst.. and our final AUTHORITY.  And having now RECEIVED from GOD..no longer having any need..to confer with flesh and blood..!  Not WALKING in the counsel of the "ungodly" ..but God's WORD is IN me..."Spirit..and LIFE!  It's when ..we stop struggling..and RETURN to Him..in our faith.... that HE becomes our certainty..and confidence..that WE will know HIS..rest.  Then all OUR FLESH  (all it's reasonings, arguments..the mind of the flesh..my "feelings" that don't line up with the WORD of God) ...that..earth ..keeps SILENT!  Why?  Because..you now..just BELIEVE God!  You've entered into...(Oh..Hallelujah)..His REST.  *You have to ENTER... into.  Amen! 


   The Word of God teaches us in John 3..how this "born-again" experience works.  And Jesus explaining to Nicodemus..that as he was once born in his flesh, and from his mothers womb..that now he must be NOW  "born".. from above, i.e. if you want to work..the works of God!!.  That word "born"..has it's root meaning in originating.  "ORIGINS".  Jesus is saying to brother Nicodemus..."I assure you most solemnly I tell you, that UNLESS a person is BORN AGIAN (anew, from above)..he cannot ever SEE..(know) be acquainted with and experience the Kingdom of God"  And.."I assure you most solemnly I tell you, unless a man is born of water and even the Spirit, he cannot ever ENTER...the Kingdom of God".  Jesus is teaching..and letting us know..that what is BORN of (having it's origns in) flesh..is flesh.  And that which is BORN (has it's origins in ) Spirit..is Spirit.  He says... "Nic..you must be born again..from ABOVE, or you will not be able to SEE...the Kingdom of God".  And "Nic..I tell you of a certainly..that you must be BORN..of water..and THE SPIRIT..or else.. you cannot ENTER the Kingdom of God". (That Word "Kingdom" means.."the Kings dominion)  Amen.  Beloved..it is imperitive that we understand..that "flesh and blood"..cannot ENTER INTO the kingdom (the Kings dominion) of heaven."  Flesh.. knows  flesh. And likewise,  Spirit..., spirit.  And the things of God..are spiritually discerned, weighed..and reckoned.  FLESH..can't enter ..here.  In fact..you can only SEE these things...through  Spirit.  Not your (human) spirit...but the Spirit of God in...your spirit.  God..is SPIRIT (not..as K.J. version puts it.."A spirit" ..because if God were A spirit...HE would then..be limited!!  No!  God IS..... Spirit!).  The Word of God is "Spirit..and it is LIFE"!  So..then, we understand that the things of God are received in the Spirit (in our Spirit-filled spirits).   When we are ABIDING...in Him..and His WORD is abiding in us..then this FLESH...must.....keep silent!  Amen!  For..the flesh mind..IS enmity (hostility and ill-will) against  the Spirit of God, for it will not SUBMIT itself...to the law of God.  For it is sense anD reason ..without   the Holy Spirit.  And those who are according to the flesh..do MIND..the things..of the flesh.  But we who are according to the Spirit and controlled....by the desires of the Spirit, set THEIR minds on..and seek those things which gratify..the Holy Spirit.  (Rom. 8).  Again, the flesh mind..does not SUBMIT itself to God's law.  Let us then..be careful...that we may "enter into" the rest of God..and in the day of our temptation..not harden our hearts..in rebellion against the Word.  There remains..therefore..for the people of God...A REST.  And JESUS is the door..by which we enter.    


    This RESTof God  also..speaks of..cessation..even.. refreshment....and..."intermission".   It speaks of PEACE..and even ability (hmmmm  think about that..).  It is a very RICH  under-standing with shadings of perfection within it's inflections.. of meaning.  The REST of God.. speaks of a wholeness.  For truly..if the rest of God possesses you..then you will be "IN peace".  Peace..meaning... "freedom from molestation"  -  contray understandings..just can't "molest" youThe REST of God..imparts witnin you the PEACE of GOD  with nothing missing..and..nothing.. broken.  I LOVE..the Word of God! 

 *In certain texts in the N.T....this word "Rest"..is translated in the Greek..as echo (ekh'-o)  from which we get our English word,..ECH0( (!!).. 


(Take a quick look again!!)   ECH0 means.  ECHO means..to REsound (to sound again.. REiterated.. REpeat..the repition of a sound..via  repercussion!  DUPLICATOIN!!  The reverberation of an Original sound. I.E. {and in the sense that we are discussing 

...it here, it is} the REsounding of (to repeat) the sound GOD makes, what GOD saysthe..WORD..of God;  


   Rest...and echo...are here working hand in hand..and each in possession of the other, intermingling ..resounding....    The  particular  shadings in  the  word ECHO  where the object is to REST, is i.e.  "to hold..to keep..to REST..or take for REST (JUST like a REMEDY!) In other words...we are to take the Word of God..."For rest"..or "As...rest".   Thereby..WE are (being) "kept"!   That REST of God..is to be in you..as that which is HOLDING you..keeping you, possessing you!  mentality..and emotionally working IN you..as a continuity..a continuing, or..an uninterupted duration and endurace.  It'll work in you a PATIENCE.  So that when LIFE happens..and  situations and circumstances arise and threaten to rob you of your dream..your promise..your peace (no baby!)..you are RESTING...in the ECHO..of God!!!  RESTING..in the sound  God makesREST then..should be the relation you have..with your God-dream.. with your promise from God.  REST..is to be your condition (you're..in "a condition" of REST)!  Those who have NOT the REST of God...are tose without an ECHO ..... BECAUSE..the Word was not mixed with FAITH..when they heard it..therefore...they shall not enter into the REST..of God.  They "rebelled" against the word..and in an evil heart of "unbelief"..FAIL..to "ENTER IN."

  Beloved..I'm going to be resting in the the SOUND GOD makes...how about you today? 


                Return..Rest..Recover..and Reign...

                             (The Danger..of Distractions)



   In order to catch..that second wind today..what you need to do is this one..thing: RETURN...to God.  Amen!  You see..GOD, in His Word didn't LEAVE you..but you left..Him (and it)!  God.. didn't change HIS mind..but you became DISTRACTED, and changed yours.    The danger  of distractions are..they take your ...ATTRACTIONS.  It's that perifial veiw..that has compromised your faith..and your vision.  Here is the word from God to you today:  GUARD...your vision!



   The opposite of DISTRACT (-TION)..is...FOCUSFocus is simply...to adjust a lens, the eye..or a lenslike device to make a clear IMAGE;  to concentrate or direct;  clear; distinct;  the central point of attention, activity, or other attraction; (Col. 3:2; luke 11:34-36; Phil. 4:8) 



   Distract (-tion)..is..to be pulled away from..a center point of focus!  Surprisingly..it means..to "bewilder; confound..confuse; dumfound and frustrate..agitate...and fluster..perturb.. discompose;  internal Distraction from your goal (I make a distinguishing difference.  One can be distracted through everyday activites...but STILL..be focused..in his/her spirit on the Spirit's objective.  It's that INTERNAL distraction that I speak of..that "moves one away from"...their goal.   The Word says that we are to be (spiritually) "watchful and vigilant, (i.e...well-balanced..temperate,..sober of mind)  - CAUTIOUS at all times..because our adversary the devil walks about seeking whom he MAY (seize upon, and)..devour." I Pet. 5:8   It's not the OUTSIDE distraction that I speak of...unless they compromise your focus.  It's the spiritual ....distraction..that is the DANGER that I point out.  How many of you know that we experience from time to time.."trials without, and trials...within"?  To be "distracted" beloved..is render uneffectual in effort.  It is that which will serve as "a road-block" to what the Spirit of God meant to be a thru-way.   The Spirit gives...LIFE..and a way (and JESUS..is that way).  The distracted..FLESH mind...simply BAFFLES and acts as an obstacle (listening beloved..?).  Distractions..are the fruit..of an undirected..i.e. uncontrolled mind.  And we are to combat them (I Cor. 10:3-6).  It is a STRATEGEM of the adversary..to throw crafty and cunning distractions..in order to take..your attractions.  So that he can then, in turn...neutralize..your fruitfulness..and your ability to bring forth.  The adversary uses wiles of distraction...as a means to render you STERILE..and without ready SUBSTANCE..that will PRODUCE...God results.  I sure hope you are listening today ...because some are you are being bombarded by many things.  It's..one thing after the other..on top of the another.  And you are "struggling" to keep up.  And your adversary the devil..is throwing out there all KINDS of "suggestions" ..and YOU must be FOCUSED..so you will not be overcome by evil..but..instead.. overcome evil with  GOOD  -  overcome evil..with GOD!  Amen!!



   So then..IN RETURNING to God:  You must CAPTURE ..your vision (that's right..!  Like something that has runaway and running buck wild!!).  You must exercise SELF-control (allowing the mind of CHRIST to be your focus and TRUTH.  You must allow the Word of God to act as the "checks and balances"..so that you can exercise..a SOBER-mind.  Keeping your mind..STAYED on Christ (Isa. 26:3), the Word says that you and I will have  PERFECT..peace!  This PEACE..is a direct result of the Rest..of God!  See...the problem is..that some of us are losing our minds.. and "going through" UNNECCESSARY changes.. "tripping" (as we said as teenagers in my youth), STUMBLING (same thing!)  instead of GUARDING...our hearts and minds...through Christ Jesus!  We aren't to be allowing ourselves to "lose" our minds..in the sense..that we are LAX in applying ourselves in the mind of CHRIST, and casting off restraint.  Amen.  But we DO need to LOSE our minds..i.e. that MIND of the flesh that's "like MIKEY"..and will eat anything (courtesy of my bishop, Bishop Frederick Myles Brown)!!  The FLESH mind is ruled by sense and reason..without the Holy Ghost.  But WE are aiming at SPIRIT ruled living...instead.  Amen.  ALLOWING this "mind" be in you that is also IN Christ Jesus (Phil. 25)..is the challenge that some of us are faced with today.  What happens when we fail to guard, or garrison (a military term, and saints..don't you know we are in..a battle!?  Amen!!  But that battle has already been won today..IN Christ! We now.."cast down (hurl  them down!)..IMAG-I-NATIONS and every high and exalted thing that goes to super-impose and exalt ITSELF..above, (over and against) the KNOWLEDGE...of God!  (That is) Every argument!  Every "reasoning".  Every "opinion"  (opinions come a dime a dozen, and everybody's  GOT one!  But, "what say YOU.. Lord"?)!!  Every "sight" that our  (flesh) eyes see..  EVERY "theory"..and "conclusion" etc.  Now..some of us are "fighting the devil" (a DEFEATED foe!)..but what we need to be doing is like a "good soldier"... fight the GOOD fight ..of faith!  Amen!  GUARD... garrison your heart and mind THROUGH Christ Jesus.  You see...some of us have become spiritually intoxicated.  And SPIRITUALLY DRUNK!  And I'm not talking about being "drunk in the Holy Ghost" beloved..not talking about this "new wine" here.   But..  just like being "drunk" on natural intoxicants.. you've allowed..contamination into your heart..and mind.  You've  exchanged  the TRUTH...for a lie, and yeilded your "loins" (uh huh... loins (OSPHUS)= the seat of generative power) to falsehood, and have been compromised... captured..seized!  The soul..has become "seized".  It's..your  5-fold senses..of (natural)sight..taste, hearing, smell and touch... have been SEIZED upon..like David and all his mighty men..at Zig Lag! (1 Sam. 30) SEIZED upon in this way..and having as fruit from that....a loss of FORCEOh...my goodness!  What we need is to SEE GOD!  David..sent for the priest, Abiathar// to give him a Word from God..as to whether he should PURSUE..or not!  And that's what we need today...to view GOD.  WE need a word from God.  I tell you today..that it is IN  RETURNING.. and rest...that you shall be saved (Isa. 30:15)!  Amen.  The Bible tells us that David..after his soul seizure..began to ENCOURAGE himself...in the Lord!  That word there for "encourage"...has as a definition..that he RECOVERED!  Oh, GLORY...!!  It means he.."played the man".  He.."LET this mind be in him..that was also IN Christ Jesus" (so to speak)..stirring up PURE rememberances.  Beloved.. HE looked UP The Bible says...that we beloved ...are to have our loins..."GIRD" (girdled, just like a girdle..to hold in) with TRUTH ! Again.."THY WORD..O Lord IS truth"! (John 17:17) 

Amen..  You need then...RETURN.  You see..WE are to exercise..SELF control..through "sober-thinking".  Amen.  I think of our David..going up against Goliath (that old giant) in I Sam. 17.  What did he DO..beloved?  WHAT he did was to "stir up...a PURE remembrance"!  My God..!  He began to tell Saul..as  he remembered the God Who gave him victory to defeat the lion..and the bear.  He LOOKED UP..!  Amen!!  We need stir up a  pure.. ..rememberance of God.. today through a freshening of our vision; we need a spiritual refreshing.., beloved..we need (simply)to RETURN..to God.  Return to our FIRST love..and destroy  our "idols".  No other "mind"..will serve as GOD to me.   Oh Lord...help us tear down...the idols.  What ..beloved.. did David SEE... When he "looked up"..and stired up a pure rememberance?  He SAW his deliverer.  He saw...  Yes.  He..saw.  Go with me to Psa. 42:1,2,11..where it reads...


   "AS the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for YOU, O God; My inner self thirsts for the LIVING God.  When shall I come and BEHOLD THE FACE OF GOD?  (isn't good that you and I can BEHOLD God..in the face of Jesus Christ our Lord..!?  Yet..we are to seek Him out..like honey...in the Rock ..and then He will be "found"..of us.)  WHY are you cast down, O my soul (my inner self)?  And why should you moan over me  and be disquieted within me?  HOPE THOU...in God AND wait expectantly for Him,...for I shall YET praise Him, Who is the help of my countenance".   Is there anybody today ..that is YET praising..!!?  My Lord..and my God..!  Hallelujah!  

    ..Listen,..the psalmist in his inner self THIRST..for just a "beholding".....(uh..!) of the FACE of God! 


Listen...What did David SEE..when he LOOKED UP (in pure  rememberances)..?  What do we  SEE..when we BEHOLD..Jesus?  Family...the song writer sang.."When I SEE Jesus....,...Amen."  (!!!)  My..Lord!  Listen beloved.. when WE see Jesus.....(well..then).., Amen (It IS so! and so BE it! i.e. "according to YOUR WORD..BE it...unto me")..!!  I LOVE..the Word of God..beloved!  Ohhh.. Hallelujah!  Listen........WHEN (indicative..of a point in time: "WHEN") we SSEEE...Jesus, then HE becomes..the HELP of our countenance! (countenance = sight and vision, appearance and looks, as a mans face tells who he is.  Form.  Ones form..supplements his face in making a total countenance.  No wonder a Christian can be known by his walkMIRROR..as the looking glass tells and so does one's countenance.   * referenced by "Hebrew Honey")  Somebody said, WEEPING may endure for a night,…but Joy COMES…in the morning…!!”  "Morning time"  is  the  time  of  day  when  we  1st  see  Jesus!   Can  I  hear  anybody  shout..... BREAKTHROUGH....!??!!!


  What we need today..beloved, is a SECOND...wind..!  Let's explore the Word of God..to extract necessary vision principle.  Go with me to Heb. 11:27 (amplfd. ver.) where it reads...


   "MOTIVATED by faith he (Moses) left Egypt behind him, being unawed and undismayed by the wrath of the king; for he never flinched but....held staunchly to his purpose and endured ....steadfastly ........AS one who GAZED...on HIM (if you aren't shouting just about now..you need to check your pulse and see if you're still living !! ) ..Who is invisible."



   It was by GAZING UPON...HIM..Who is..invisible...that our Moses..was able to stay in there (!)..and fight the good fight of FAITH!  That word there.."gaze" is defined as (listen)..not a mere  sight or mental perception (appear)....but it indicates a greater vividness..expressing a more intent earnest contemplation, it means....to BEHOLD...!  To..BEHOLD, calling attention to what one has  seen, heard or mentally apprehended in any way - a careful oberservation of details, it gives prominence to the discerning mind.  In fact..the greek word here is HARAO.. and is the same word used..of Christ as ..seeing the Father in John 6:46, and what had been seen..with the Father, (!!) John 8:38.  It's the kind of careful and deliberate....vision..which interprets..it's object.....so..to make REFLECT, or MIRROR  It's a God-ward view and an apprehension ..of what is gazed....upon.  Moses shows us quite clearly..that what is NEEDED by us..who are being tried and tempted, and undergoing all manner of sight-theiving situations, is..a desperate need to stay FOCUSED (!) on GOD..!! (The psalmist said) HE..Who is the help...of our coutenance ...  Oh..hallelujah! NO MAN has ever seen God at anytime  -  but listen..JESUS said.."when you see ME..you see the Father"!  Amen.  Jesus..the WORD of God, the express image..of God.  OUR God..is no longer "invisible" to us..for we have..His WILL (the Word of God).  He..revealed...in the FACE..of Jesus Christ!


   And here..is the measure of the thing...beloved. 


   "Let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight)...and that sin which so readily (deftly..and cleverly)...clings to and entangels us,..and LET us run with patient endurance..and STEADY and active persistance the appointed course of the race.. (the race..  Beloved..it's just..the journey) that is set before us.  LOOKING AWAY from ..all.......that will distract us....TO JESUS (looking away from..and UNTO ..yes..) Who is the Author (the Source of our faith; giving the first incentive for our belief)..and the Finisher (bringing it to maturity and perfection)..of OUR faith.  He, for the JOY that was SET.....(Ohhh..my goodness! Jesus had to SET vision..before HIM..how much more so..you and I.  IN ORDER to work the works of God..baby....you need to LOOSE sight..and move into vision!) BEFORE Him........endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne....of God."  (Heb. 12:1b,2)  Hallelujah! 



           Appointed days..times and seasons..

                            time and purpose



                TODAY..beloved..DO this: 


   "WRITE the vision...make it PLAIN..upon a tablet (try..the tablet of your HEART..so that that vision may be IN you)..that he who passes by may be able to read it (STRETCHING out In it) as he hastens by.  FOR the vision..is yet..for an appointed time..and it hastens to the end (fulfillment); IT will not decieve or disappoint (some of you are dealing with staggering disappointments today).  THOUGH IT TARRY,.. ...WAIT (earnestly)  for it (and that..not a passive..wait. But a LIVING..expectation  -  don't just LOOK forward..baby..LIVE.. forward!  LIVE..the dream!!)...because..it will SURELY come; IT will not be behindhand on IT'S...appointed day"!  (Hab. 2:2)



  Oh...Hallelujah!  Beloved..there's an "appointed..day"!  I remember hearing Apostle John Washington saying to me once.."Barbara..WAIT......on your appointment"!  Amen!  And my bishop at that time teaching...that your appointment with God...is where He'll "meet" you..along the course of the journey, and beloved ..He'll "do that thing" (!!) that HE has PREDESTINED to do in your life!  It's..PREordained.  YOUR future..It's HIS-story (history) to God!!   Yes...!   For "ALL your days were written in a book before HIM..when there where yet..none of them"!!  (Psa. 139) 

Remembering, that in Eccl. 3rd chapter..we come to understand..timing..and purposeYes.  That..to EVERYTHING there is a season,..and A time for EVERY purpose under heaven.  Beloved..every season and every PURPOSE has it's OWN......time.  And Eccl. 3:11 says that GOD.. "has made everything beautiful (perfected.. brought to it's complete or mature state, brought to pass) in it's (OWN) time!    We live by..moments..seconds..hours and days..months.. years and decades.  But our God, He  lives OUTSIDE of TIME.  

There's  A TIMETABLE that GOD has "set"..for
the fulfillment OF that purpose!! 

 Eccl. 3:11 goes on to say..that God has also planted eternity in our hearts and minds divinely implanted sense of purpose working ..through the ages.  It says on down further, beloved, in verse 14 , "I know..that whatever GOD does......it endures forever;  nothing can be added to it nor anything...taken  FROM it..."  Amen. 

   GOD..does not live 
in TIME..like we do.
ime..but HE gives time.....it's Assignment.  God..is soooooo Orchestrated.  He.. "orders" time (uh..uh..uh....); the universe.. and all that's within it, has He placed a TIMETABLE.  He..placed a timetable..to the rising of the sun..and the going down..of the same.  He..instituted through His creative process ...the seasons..and articulated their shiftings..from one season..to the other.  He measured the span of each birds wing..and metered each of their songs to the rythmical chirping of His whimmsy and desire...the oceans.. (are) a span..in His Hand.  He gave the atom it's PULSE..and even the rhythm of carefree dance..He put inside the nature of every..child.  He balances justice..with mercy...and placed a blueprint..in every seed.  And every raindrop..has it's God-given "drip..drip drip..drip drip..drip" rhythmic repetitions.  !  He gave the womb..it's contraction (each to be timed)..and every babe it's TIME to be born...  He orchestrated through a majestic swoop of His hand..all nature..in all it's grandeur and splendor..and with manifold color..within the scope of symphonic etchings He created..(all..operating off of His timetable)...and ON the 7th day.. He... ..rested, and He ROSE on the 3rd day..He'd RISE..!  ....No storm..was meant to last forever..but He has measured it's...bounds..as well.  It is even said that there are Bible codes.  That GOD..put within the scripture..a "code" that if deciphered.. would reveal the very...Handprint or autograph..of God.  He gave Mozart the ability to hear..mathematical equations through the rhythmic succession in the musical arrangement of music!  Our God is AWESOME How..He has timed..our breath..it's inhalation and exhaling..even the LENGTH of our days, and what they should be.  WHEN we should be born,..and when when should die.  Listen..He knows the number of the very hairs on our head.  IN the purpose of God..I've known "a travail of the Spirit"... deep ..stirrings that PULL on the core of me, happening at Spirit specified and orchestrated intervals of TIME.. what I call "Spirit contractions"..birthing  His  purposes in me.  My my my...He is The MASTER...of time.  God's TIMING..is the heart-beat of purpose!  WE cannot "box" Him..though try to..we oftime (in our ignorance) have.  It's so important..that we don't get ahead..of Him.  "out-of-order", and in a hurry.  Let the Holy Spirit.."bring" you today, my friend.  God has a pre-appointed time..and He has set boundaries for your life.  He..will "order" your steps.  GOD, beloved has a pre-appointed time, where destiny meets up with His timing!  He has a time..a flux...an orderly and proper arrangement.  And everything that operates OUTSIDE of His timing..is "premature".  My..!  The Lord..told me once.. concerning time and purpose.. "IN TIME"....yes.  But daughter ...TIME is not the answer..daughter.  TIME..is only relative..as it pertains to..what I want to do in your life."   May I encourage you today..my friends...my..family (family of God) ....that TIME is but a TOOL..in the Hand of God.  And for those of you..who are struggling with issues of TIME..and "when God..When" (I've done THAT..been there)...KNOW...that God does not always  take us the quickest route..to the fulfillment of the God-dream or promise in your life.  No.  In fact..any real  God-dream..will know delays..and detours. 



   Look at Joseph.  He went the LONG way around..to the

 fulfillment of His God-dream.  But listen..it WAS..the process

 ....for him.  Don't abort your vision today beloved....NO

 PROCESS...NO PROMISE.  You and I MUST...develop in

 Patience and Persistance.  POWER twins. God will sometimes

 take you the LONG way, as in Exo. 13:17,18.  God didn't lead

 them the shorter route..though..that would have been the

 easier.. route.  Sometimes..we want that shorter route, because that's quicker.  Understand God's objectives and your thoughts are not always THE SAME. 

Sometimes our thoughts want to question  THE ROUTE that God is taking us, because we feel it's taking "too long".  The advantage of taking the long route..is not to "make sense" to you...but to make FAITH..in your life Now..THIS defies human logic.  God thinks in terms of PURPOSE 

..and not just in destination.   If  God just took you the short

 route..you wouldn't have come to know..that He is"there", or

 HOW to apply yourself in faith..or how to PRAY..or...  how to stand in the mid-night hour.  God wants to school you on


   Your God-dream..or the promise you are believing God for today..is but a training ground..for many an exercise.  Remember I spoke to you of "Life Lessons"..indeed..a life's richest acquistion are the things LEARNED..along the journey.  I wouldn't give anything...for my journey.  It's...the JOURNEY.. beloved.  If God took us the way we alway thought we should go to get ot our several destinations in Him, i.e. the quick and easy way..., we would LACK what we needed in staying power...once we got there!  You CAN get there..and not have what you need under your belt...to maintain..you there.  That's like people..who have the gifting and the anointing..but are lacking in Character.  You will need MORE than gifting and anointing...you  will  need  your  character developed.  God's got to process you..and that takes TIME.  You know, your gift will TAKE  you...where your characher  can't KEEP you.  HE knows..when the time is "right".  He's..orchestrating..while you can't "see" everything He's doing.  Believe it!  Trust it!  Let God have His timing in your life...and let it be "well" with your soul today, beloved.  Amen. ..Trust God. 



   This one thing...before I close out this time with you, as a final thought, if you will.   Go with me to Isa. 40:25-31..where it reads..


" ' To WHOM...then..will you liken Me, that I shall be equal to him' ? ...says..the Holy One.  ' LIFT UP YOUR EYES on high....and see!  Who has created these?  He Who brings out their host..by number and calls them all by name; through the greatness of His might and because He is ..strong in power, not ONE of them..is missing or LACKS anything.  WHY..O Jacob, do you say " My way and my right..is passed over without regard..from my God '?  HAVE you not known" ?    Have you not heard?   The EVERLASTING God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint...or..grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding (limitless).  He gives POWER to the faint and weary, and TO him who has no might He increases strength (causing it to multiply and making it to abound.  Even youths shall faint..and be weary, and (selected) young men shall feebly, stumble and fall exhaustedBUT  THOSE WHO  WAIT FOR THE LORD (who expect, look for, and hope IN Him) shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up (close to God) as eagles (mount up to the sun); they shall run and not be weary, THEY shall walk and NOT faint..or become tired."



   He is in attendance beloved..and your God is available..to your call.  In John 10..we see Jesus..as the Good Shepherd.  It says that He..calls..His Own sheep by name...and brings them  out (God..is doing "the bringing"..beloved!)  He goes....BEFORE them.   He goes before them..in manner of authority..in manner of PLACE (order; locality)..and in manner of TIME.  The sheep KNOW His Voice and they follow HIM..but a strangers voice.. they will not follow.  And beloved..none of them...are missing..or lacks anything (just like the stars of the host of heaven in Isa. 40)!  And you won't either...!! SEEK Him, and He will be found of you.  In Prov. 16:4a, it says that our God has "made everything to accomadate itself  and contribute to its own end..and His (God's)own purpose - "     For every.."vision" from God...., there is PROvision.    Learn to "wait" on the Lord ..with a living expectation ...and brush up on your dance ...LIVE..the dream.  Yes.......



   There's a fresh breeze..of the Holy Spirit blowing in your direction today...beloved.  And all that "precious" seed He's planted in your garden..is undergoing...a weathering..and  a watering.  Let Him "saturate" you today.  He's..."bringing"..you.  It's IN returning...that we will REST.  And in resting..we will recover..that second wind...!  Breathe in this sustaining anointing today, will you?  And  let it refresh..and revive you.  There's an anointing..to STRECTH present..today..  It's an "elastic" anointing that empowers you to REACH, and not ripCausing you to STRECTH......and not  break!  He builds you in the knowledge of Him..in those areas where you've been torn down and weakened.  If you RETURN to Him..and rest, you.. will have RECOVERED..and you will reign victorious!  It's just...a testDetermine to PASS it..and go on and fulfill your several destinies today..will you?!  (Just determine to pass the test and DO it) It'll save you some distance, beloved.  Just go on and LOOSE those unnecessary weights today!  Amen!



  I truly..love you all today..as always.  Yes, I do.  And I am so excited about what GOD is doing in your lives (and in my own..as I LOOK to Him. Amen).  May I end this by saying..that I BELIEVE..in the work that GOD does from beginning....to end.  From a God perspective..that SEES the ending...from the beginning (Isa. 46:10)...I believe in the God-dream in your life!  YES..(!) I do!!  I just BELIEVE God (period).  And I believe in you.  That you will do great exploits ..because..you know...your God. 


     In great.... expectation (hmmmmmm)..and until we speak again..


                Yours in Christ..and in His Agape 💓,


                                     Minister Barbara Brownell Williams Gore





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