"Living Forward...!" (part 2)

(A quantum leap and a Transporting of your VIEW...! Changing Themes, transition, Shifts and a God progression)

 "Brethren, not that I have attained (this ideal), ONE thing I do (it is my one aspiration): FORGETTING what lies behind and straining FORWARD to what lies Ahead. I Press on toward the GOAL to win the (supreme and heavenly) prize to which God is Christ Jesus is calling us UPWARD."
     Severing From Delays, Distractions and Hindrances:
    While we travel this road to Divine destiny, and as we walk out the PURPOSES of God my friend, the enemy, try to as he may,..cannot STOP you, but what he does  do is attempt to cut it off!  We must look at these culprits  -  LOCATE them and SEVER them from our forward progression. 
(Read Genesis 11:26–12:5)  In Gen. 12:1, The Lord had said to Abram  (later to be REnamed by God AbraHAM):
      “Get out of your country, From your family and from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you.”
Beloved, God told Abram to do three things:
#1.  leave his country (leaving the PAST and things
God is THROUGH with),
# 2.  separate himself  from his family (LEAVE
Lot behind!!),
#3.  (and) go to a land that God promised to
show him "ALL the land thou SEES I give to YOU!".
     Abram was successful in following through on the first requirement.  He left Ur of the Chaldees, but instead of separating himself from his family, but he took along  Lot...his nephew.  While it is interesting in Genesis 11:31,32 (this is BEFORE the Lord spoke to Abram to leave his country, his relatives and go to a LAND He would show him)..we see Terah the father of Abram taking his son Abram and his wife Sarai, along with his grandson, Lot...and they all together  go forth from Ur of the Chaldees..and are headed to go FORWARD, and INTO the land...of Canaan!  How dangerous or debilitating, beloved..to attempt move FORWARD with those things, or person (-s) that we should leave behind..?  Let's look a little closer at Abram, his father Terah, and his nephew Lot.
Terah , "station" (a stopping place along a route)/Terah, beloved.. means “delay.”   We must be careful of those things that would cause us to be STATIONARY..in a FORWARD move of God.  These things come to "cut you off" in your godly progession ..or to STOP you altogether from possessing and inheriting the PROMI SES of God.  While traveling with his father in an attempt to get to and ENTER Canaan..it  resulted in a delay of five years in HaranHaran means beloved,  “parched, dry place, extremely dry place.” Are you in a dry place spiritually?  If you are, perhaps you have taken along what God told you to leave behind.  You see beloved, Terah lived at Ur of the Chaldeans most of his life; apparently at Ur he worshiped gods other than the ONE TRUE and living God (Josh. 24:2).  God says to Abram..in the beginning of the very next chapter (Gen. 12:1).."Get you AWAY from your country...your family..and from your fathers HOUSE"  -  AWAY from your fathers IDOLS.  God wanted to make sure that HE would be the One to "bring" Abram into His promise, and that there would be no FOREIGN gods with Him!  Sometimes it gets that way and we must continually be on guard that we don't allow idolatry in our hearts, as we want all our little gods and GOD too!  We want to serve Him holding on to our strife and unforgiveness.  We want HIM..and want our gossiping.  We want to SERVE Him..but we take along with us those things which cause defilement.  We must pray, "Lord, HELP me to tear down the idols in my heart and in my life..that I may SERVE and worship You alone".  God wanted to safeguard Abram from that which would give birth to anything that would seek to lord it over him..accept GOD Himself!  We must be careful beloved, that as we traverse this path that God has set before us..that we strive for purity and that we don't take along the idol of discouragement, the idol of unbelief, the idol of double-mindedness, etc....being disobedient to the Heavenly vision!  We must be obedient to the upward call, and PRESS beyond all those things that would to cut us off in God's purposes for our lives, delaying us and causing us to be halt and STOP us in our pursuit of His Divine destiny!  "AWAY
..from your family, Abram!"  
     I don't know about you, perhaps it was different in your life, but I had what I would consider a wise and a loving mother.  She was a wise woman in many aspects..in that she just had what I call that "down home" kind of wisdom.  She was down to earth and grounded, in the most simplest of observation and precept.  An educator by profession.  Then again..momma wasn't ALWAYS right, the Word would argue against her positioning from time to time.  When I came to Christ I simply had to CHOOSE...to "leave" my family, so to speak..in order to SERVE the true and living God!  I had to CLEAVE to that which I knew was God and LEAVE off..what wasn't.  "If any man desires to come after Me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple (follower)."  (Luke 14:26)  Simply, it's not that we "hate" our parents, our family, no we LOVE them..but the Scripture there is dealing with not allowing them or anyone ELSE to come between or supercede our loyalty and adherence to the One and only Living God.  In THIS sense.."hate".  Amen! 
     God says to Abram, "AWAAY from your family..Abram"..!  It was God Who was bringing the SEVERING, beloved..it was GOD'S call (direction).   Abram delayed his own destiny because he was traveling FORWARD in the company of that which he should have left BEHIND.      While with his father, he endured a five-year dry period in his life and never even made it to Canaan.  He stopped and stayed in Haran until his father’s death finally broke the link (the "tie") that bound Abram to Haran.  Only then did he  ENTER Canaan.
Lot's name means "covering..or veil", and it comes from a verb meaning “to wrap up.” Lot wrapped up and entangled Abram in all kinds of problems.  NO ACCORD;  It was LOT who brought to the scenario strife and wraggling.  WHO is the "Lot" in our lives..beloved?  Lot..is that distant relative, he "knew you WHEN".  He's a voice from the PAST.  The Word of God teaches us the God SENT Abram..but Lot , beloved..he just "went".  He..tagged alongside of Abram as he went forth to do the will of God.  How many of you know that we have to SEVER from...our "Lots"?  TWO..can't walk together (in accord) lest they be AGREED (Amos3:3)
     Abram actually divided his inheritance to provide land for Lot (in the region of Sodom and Gomorrah).  That was when he finally said to Lot what he should have said a lot earlier, “Please separate from me” (Gen. 13:9 nkjv).   Sometimes there must come a severing..beloved.   Have kinfolk unintentionally or intentionally delayed and hindered your pursuit of God’s will?  It is time to move on and separate yourself so you can do what God told you to do.   It may not make sense, but you must enter Canaan.
   Stretching out in an UNLIMITED God!  
     So..as we left off in the above portion, beloved..we see there is CONFLICT between Abram and Lot.  You see, BOTH Lot and Abram had large herds of cattle, and their herdsmen quarreled over their pasturelands.  It was at Abram's suggestion, that the two be SEPARATED. Abram divided up his inheritance to provide land for Lot and he gave Lot his choice of land. As the story goes..Lot chose the more fertile, the lush..the well-watered site of the Jordan River valley..as opposed to the rocky hill country.  Failing to take into account the character of the inhabitants, Lot "pitched his tent toward Sodom" (Gen. 13:12).  Beloved..it was after this severance, this division..that God then says to Abram in Gen. 13:15 .."As FAAAAAAAR as the eye can SEE...I will give to you and your posterity!!    UNLIMITED..!  NO boundary!   How many of you know, that we must put into chains those things from our past that come to abort our future?  It is US who must establish the BOUNDARY!  We are the one's who must place a boundary to our past and a limit to it's influence or involvement in our God future, and then..stretch out in the LIMITLESS...God!  Oh, hallelujah!  That'll PREACH Church!  Having now left his PAST behind..beloved, the.. .extremity,..the BRIM..the perimeter of what the Lord would give to Abram rested soley on the projectile of his VISION..!!!!  Never pray for what you cannot first "SEE"...
by the Eye of faith!
     VISION now.., becomes your Projectile,... in that it gives us that DRIVING or impelling impetus..that moves us FOWARD..!  Note: It is God Who extends the invite..He's giving the land, but..it's our VISION which becomes the OPEN door by which we can WALK it out..receiving it!   God spoke no "boundary", no BORDER or.. restriction.  The PANORAMIC was immense...immeasurable by calculation, even infinite!  
The POSSIBILITIES were...ENDless..blanketed amply across a VAST horizon  -   God spoke NO LIMITS!  The Determining  factor was..... COULD Abram SEE it!!  God wants to take us BEYOND the horizon of our present knowledge.  Can we talk about that for a moment my friend..? 
    We live..as  "finite" beings, wrapped up and confined to the Order of  the Rules of Nature .  Finite minds cannot recognize the things of the Spirit  -  only spirit recognizes Spirit,  for these things are spiritually discerned...weighed and reckoned  (I Cor. 2:10, oneness with the mind of the Spirit of God.   I Cor. 2:11... describing "otherness" , as the mind of natural man cannot discern the mind of the Spirit of God.  The lesson?  ONEness.. and otherness.  Amen.)  Some people call "negative thinking" the devil, but I call it "otherness" .  It is "BODY consciousness" It is the MIND..separated from the LIFE that is in God...through incorrect/faulty thinking.  It is the mind of the flesh ruled and dictated to by sense and reason..without the Holy Ghost.
     Spatially (or.. the extent or range  of function, power, or competence; our scope and range of VISION, our comprehension) we think, speak..act out as we are Bound to limitation..and restriction.  We are regulated by logic, and gravity not only holds our feet physically to the ground, but MENTALLY also..as the reality of nature and rules of confinement.."order" our LIMITATIONSWe are restricted by time and by space...by our age, our physical ability, our talents, giftings, or capacity.  We are restricted by flesh and blood.  This is the NATURAL world in which we live, and the dictates of natural order, in this we have had our LIVING.  This is our "familiar", and the terrain that we have operated off of in the PASTYes (!) in our PAST, for in 2 Cor. 5:17 it says "If ANY man be in Christ Jesus, he is a NEW creature: OLD things are passed away; BEHOLD...ALL things are become NEW!!" Part of the "old thing" is our being limited to the constriction, the confinement of this NATURAL order. 

     ALL things are now, in Christ Jesus become NEW!  Even as in ADAM we knew limitations, in Christ..."the NEW",  we come into the Inexhaustible resource of the Kingdom! Even as in Adam all die, IN CHRIST..we are all made alive and are RESURRECTED with Him, and the Bible tells us that WE are now (positionally)  "seated" in HEAVENLY places..in Christ Jesus..(Eph. 2:6)!  Oh, hallelujah...!! 

Beloved, let's look at 4 dimensions: 
     They are as follows: 
(1)  past
(2)  present
(3) Future
     ..and then there's the 4th dimension (!) -  the Christ dimension where God is LIMITLESS! 
     If you noted, beloved..that past, present and future..are derivatives and designations of TIME, and they encompass SPACE.  We, as human beings operate in TIME, that is in moments, seconds..hours, days and years..etc.  CONSTRICTED within the dictate of the natural order of "time and space".  But GOD is not so.  He is not "frozen" in time..but He is OUTSIDE of time...He is Eternal, and lives in eternity (existing outside all relations of time; not subject to change).  He is, and was..and is to COME!  He is the Alpha and the Omega..the begining and the end, and being omnipresent, He lives in the past, the present ..and the future ALL, simultaneously!!  When we are Ruled by the restriction of "time and space" and natural law, we also will MEASURE along the dictate of that restriction, measuring, reasoning and Perceiving height, length depth, width, balance, symetry..etc., all WITHIN the periphery, parameter and confinement of this natural.   TIME isn't a "bad" thing beloved, no..God created TIME and OPERATES in it, (though He does not OCCUPY...it) .  Eccl. 3:11 declares to us that God created man to be  Time concious with an Eternal Perspective.    About TIME, in His Word it says that "there is a time and a season for EVERY PURPOSE under heaven" (Eccl. 3:1)  -  and that EVERY purpose...has it's  Own time.  In fact it goes on to say in Eccl. 3:11 that HE has "Made" everything "beautiful"..in IT'S ....time.  Meaning that everything that happens and takes place IN "time"..He Has ALREADY , outside of "time"...and IN Him  made "beautiful". 

     That word "BEAUTIFUL" there has to do with maturation, fulfillment and perfection.  THAT is why it says beloved in the Word of God..that He will PERFECT...the GOOD work HE has begun in you and I!!  WE..are "IN HIM...!"   No matter what the season, what the THING is that is making up that space of time, that time slot..GOD is, IN HIM (Christ Jesus)..going to BRING it to it's place of perfection and in IT'S.....own time!  That is why too beloved...that TIME cannot "heal all wounds...."  No, it is not so.  If that were the case then we wouldn't NEED God, time...could do it all.  No, it's GOD Who is working IN TIME..Who brings to completion and perfection the seasons....end.  You see, HE..gives beauty..for ASHES..!  The oil of JOY for mourning, and the garment of praise FOR the spirit of heaviness..!  (Isa. 61:3)   As the pendulum of a clock..marks time and is a time keeper, know that God in the MIDST of time..will regulate OUR times and seasons and bring to time it's fullest purpose and momentum.  He'll orchestrate movement within the dynamic OF it!   He'll give us stars in place of our scars..and will continually over the course of time and it's continum cause us to TRIUMPH...IN Him!  It's as we continually find our PLACE within the 4th dimenison  as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus beloved, and as we PRESS into His vast and Total sufficiency that this will mark our time in the wondrous Hand of God and it's LIMITLESS resource..and transforming power.  Now..that's awfully good news on today, my friend..because our God will be forever changing our themes as we go through life's CHANGES (could have just turned out to be a sad sob story, yes?  And SOMEBODY said, "if it HAD not been for the LORD..Who was on my side..I don't KNOW where I'd be"!!) and navigating our TIMES as we SEEK Him!!  Ohhhhh beloved, He will be continually REwriting our stories and transforming our valley depths into mountain top experiences, as well as turning our messes into our message!!  He will be always slapping some SUPER on our natural, and some ETERNITY on our times!  It's out of the WELL spring of the 4th dimenison..where it's ALREADY done.. MADE perfect..and from which WHOLENESS flows and we reap the perfection of PEACE and His prosperity, spirit, soul, body, finacially and materially.  It's "shalom shalom"..wherein nothing is missing and NOTHING is broken..!..!!  
     Beloved, places of healthy transition, are Places of EXCHANGE.  It's where we give HIM our lack and He gives us His ample supply!  It's a place where OUR times..are transformed in HIS eternity, and we LIVE..move and yes, ARE moved within the IMMUTABILITY of His Eternal (transitioning us...once again).   It's a place of shifts, and transformation.  It's a place where tragedy is TRANSFORMED into triumph (!) and where faith is given in exchange for our fear!  Exchange beloved,..is a place where time and eternity MEET..and the 4th dimension eclipses all that is subject to change and mutability.   It's the PLACE where in HIM is....FULNESS...!  This is WHY He is our LIVING expectation.. and we can live...FORWARD!
     If God created man to be TIME conciousbut yet..have an "Eternal PERSPECTIVE"  ..then..what is that eternal perspective?..?  Good question beloved!!  The 4th dimension..IS the Lord, - and location of that "Eternal Perspective"!  IT is the Christ dimension, where it's "ALREADY done" (!) and where GOD....is Limitless..!   It is in this 4th dimension that we as God's people are to have...OUR habitation!!  We are to LIVE...MOVE...and have our being, in and through this dimension.  We are to consistently OPERATE on this level and out of this...dimension.  HERE is where "the next level" resides.  Here is where you will always access it!!  It's from HERE we go From glory (as a PLACE, dimension, literally..the ENVIRONMENT of God) TO glory, and from faith (as a positioning).TO faith, and from strength (as an embodiment)....TO each succeeding and mobilizing STRENGTH..!!  And it's from THIS dimension..that we partake of all of the FULNESS of God!  It's FROM this "location", beloved..that we experience our own personal WHOLENESS!! For He is not only the FULNESS of joy, but He's the FULNESS....of ALL there IS!!  He IS Love (He doesn't "have" love, He IS love..!)  -  the FULL and complete Measure of  LOVE!   He is ALL Knowing..! and ALL wise..!  He’s not a “piece” of peace, He’s the PRINCE of Peace..!!  He is PEACE, With nothing missing and nothing Broken..!  He doesn’t just save.., HE saves…TO THE UTTERMOST (!!) those who come to Him, in, through and BY Christ Jesus!!  He (Jesus) doesn’t just “pray” for us…He EVER LIVETH..to make intercession!!  He is a GOD..of FULNESS...(!!!!) and we are MADE "complete" IN Him!    He IS..inexhaustible resource (in any and every THING), wherein there IS no "lack"..IN Him..!  In CHRIST..Church, the "constriction" is removed (we can STRETCH out in the limitless God!!)...the OLD has passed away, beloved, the OLD..must give way to the NEW! 
     In Matt. 14:22-33 (read it for yourself, beloved), i.e. verses 28,29, when Jesus bids Peter to indeed.."COME" ..walk out on water to HIM.  ..Did not our God KNOW that walking on water was a naturally IMpossible feat?  Did not Jesus know the "impossiblity" of THAT!??!   OF COURSE He did..(smile)!!  I believe the Lord was saying to Peter (paraphrased),  "SHIFT your perception Peter, LOOK at Me!  Spirit!!! (The HEAVENLY.  The 4th dimension!), and WALK...!! "   WALK...on your "limitations"!!!!!"  "COME!"  He bid....him......."COME...!!"  Note, that Jesus gives Peter a mental (visual) apprehension of doing the IMPOSSIBLE, by walking on the water Himself!  He PUTS before Peter's vision a VISUAL, patterning it before him and then He tells him to WALK it Out!  He said (paraphrased), "..WALK on it...PETER!!!"  WALK in (that is,  - live, MOVE..and have YOUR "being" in) 
HEAVENLY places!!  
     POSSESS your high places!!  Don't just SEE.."survey" the terrain,..but GO YE IN..to possess it..and walk HERE...like this!!!!"  You know, right now I am so tickled inwardly..yet with a Fire and what feels to be like the BOOMING of an earthquake..!  This is rendered (rendered) so strongly IN me..and accompanied with great joy..beloved!  My friend, you know how we help teach OUR babies how to WALK..?  We "bid" them "COME on....come on..you can do it, WALK to moma!!"  THIS is what I am seeing in my spirit !  It's as if our Jesus is bidding Peter to "COME"..take those baby steps in learning how to WALK in KINGDOM dynamic!  It's..Kingdom dynamic!!    

     He’s "conditioning" him to KINGDOM  living  by   this  exercise,  beloved.    It is "elemental and basic" training.  It's a PERCEPTIONAL ....and a dimensional Shift!!  Transition of  Life Engendering proportionthat acts as a  Portal (if you will) through which he could access and enter into 4th dimension living.  Amen!!   What a visual!..!!  .......My!  POTENT..the lesson, enabling and EMPOWERING…!   HOW Awesome...!!  Peter (like you and I) was only accustomed to WALKING on earth...., now walking on WATER (the "impossible") was literally taking him out of his "comfort zone" and his BOX all at the same TIME!  WE beloved, are citizens of that 4th dimension!   We (positionally) have been "RAISED UP" (that is why it is a HIGH...calling, beloved!  It is a SPIRITUAL elevation!!) and made to SIT, that is..have our habitation in that HEAVENLY(Eph. 2:6) , and we are to -  Bear the Image  of  that HEAVENLY in the earth..(through representation and manifestation) Not only as "representatives" of that Heavenly but as those who MANIFEST that Heavenly..(where??)  IN the EARTH!  WE are a "peculiar"..people, beloved  -  positioned here in this earth realm as OFFSPRING of the MOST High GOD and sons of God!!!!  A lot of our problem is that we still struggle with this FLESH,...and we call it the devil (who is a DEFEATED foe).  The truth is that we are still "WALKING" like "mere" men, and after the ORDER and dictate of this earthly, Natural Order (as "earth BOUND", and "tied" to this realm) and all it's restriction and confinement (that is after the rudiments of THIS world), and know we not....that we are SPIRITUAL...?   We are IN this world (physically), but the Word tells us that we are not OF (i.e. ONE with)...this world..beloved..!! Our "reins" are not to be TIED to it, that is being "governed" by it's dictate!  We are not to be "anchored" to this earth realmWe, my friend..have got to...Shift!..!! in our mental perception in order to ACCOMADATE and assent to a  a New...."ORDER".  Oh... BELOVED..!!  IT'S  a High....CALLING!!!! We must leave OFF "in Adam"..and make that ABLE shift..into"IN Christ!" Once we RECONCILE OUR "Imaging" (yes!  This speaks of a VISUAL, and thoughts, ideas..PICTURES the mind paints)..and once we successfully Cast Down those VAIN  "Image-gin-NATIONS" (vain/futile, and having affinity with the BEGGARALY elelments of THIS world) and take Authority over the NATIONS of Our mind..we can then, in TURN..punish all the "disobedience" of the things that don't line up with the Word of God..,AAAAAAAND..WALK..in the New and the living!!!  Beloved...(!), we will see in our natural living, the Shift of the Christ dimension OVERTAKING...the natural order!  If we don't make this "ABLE" shift (that which GIVES us image and ability), then we will be trying to do a Heavenly thing with an earthly MINDThe truth is we were not created human, but we were created spirit.  We are a spirit, we LIVE in a body and we possess a soul.  UNTIL we come into Christ we are "spiritually dead" (through sin and trespasses).  But IN Christ our spirit is  MADE ALIVE..by His Spirit.  Our problem is that we, as spiritually alive people.., who have received the infilling of our God's Holy Spirit, that is the SAME Spirit that RAISED...Jesus from the dead.., but we still walk and talk..act out and believe as if we are only human.  How many of you understand that IN Christ..there must now come a reversal of ORDER (HOW a thing is "arranged"; also, for your own reading, read Rom. 8th chapter)THAT which is spiritual must take the pre-eminence over what is natural in our lives.  WHAT..are you Looking at, and HOW do you..weigh and perceive?  Oh!   We're not through yet beloved!!  The STORM may be raging in your life right now, but you be encouraged today, my friend..every storm has been assigned IT'S limit..!!  And everything OUTSIDE of the 4th dimension, it's boundary..!  But it is Not so (!) with your God, YOUR God is NOT limited...!!   WALK on it..???  Yes you can..!!…!!
(Isa. 35:8-10)..."And a HIGHway shall be there, and a WAY..; and it shall be called..the HOLY Way.  (Listen..) The unclean shall not pass OVER..it, but it shall be FOR..the Redeemed; the wayfaring men, yes..the simple ones and fools, shall not err in it and lose their way.  NO lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come UP on..it ; THEY (the enemy, that is..!!!) shall not be found...there.  But THE REDEEMED shall WALK on it.  And the ransomed of the Lord shall return..and come to Zion..with singing, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain JOY and GLADNESS, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."
     Come on..!  Come on, LET US go on to the OTHER side, beloved!  Let's MOVE..!  For of a truth, LIMITATION only leaves you staying in the same PLACE.  Come on, STRETCH to the PLACE where Heaven meets the earth and breathe in Heaven's AIR!  Let's MOVE out into that 4th dimension..so it will BE "as the days of Heaven upon the earth..!!"  The "other SIDE" my friend, is that spiritual SHIFT, that crucial transitioning where the OLD is left behind and we are now MOVING in the New!!  It's a Quantum Leap..!  Amen!  It's a Shift..of dimension..!!  It's a perceptional DEPTH in the Spirit..that 4th dimension.  WE who belong to God, the redeemed, are IN...Christ..!  Meaning, we are IN...the LIMITLESS One!  And the LIMITLESS One is in Us!!!  Time to LEAVE the beggarly elements of THIS world!!  "BEGGARLY" means..reduced to beggarly and weak..as one destitute of power, helpless and lacking in Christian VIRTUE and eternal riches!!  It's time to LEAVE OFF and Behind the directing of our lives by the principles of THIS world's order..in which we operate as BENEATH that standard of the Heavenly!  Oh beloved (!), we are IN Christ, and He is not limited to this natural order, and IN Him...neither are WE.   God is not "natural", no, beloved..but He is....  SUPER-NATURAL!  When we speak of an Eph. 2:20 God, beloved..He is wanting to take us BEYOND..exceeding abundantly..and ABOVE...all (!!) that we could ever ask or think!  But..that all depends upon the SUPERNATURAL, otherwise..we are RULED by the LIMITATION of the natural realm!...!!!  

     SPATIALLY (having "extention")....., God wants you and I to live, move and HAVE our "being" over and  Beyond the limit of the our theoretically possible universe that is only Ordered by the COMPACTness, of a  "small casing", if you will,  living WITHIN the restriction, and confinement of the laws of nature, and this EARTH realm.  That is..He wants us to LIVE (that's right, LIVE)......OUTSIDE of the realm of our NATURAL knowledge, our NATURAL  experience, and interests that are only embroiled 
within the DICTATE of  this natural!..!!  I'm not talking crazy here, I’m not saying I'm going to go and JUMP off a building to DEFY the laws of nature!  How many of you know THAT
...is crazy?!!  No..that's not what I'm saying, so don't you go and DO that (smile).  What I am saying is that God wants to take us as the Church of the Living God..to the Beyond and the A b o v e!  Perceptually He wants to take us to the NEXT level which is a progression,..like the rungs of a ladder, it is an UPWARD progression. We GROW progressively in Him.   But the LEVEL that God wants to take us to..is NOT a so much a "level" as we have thought it, but it is actually..another DIMENSION.   IT is a Shift..so that we can OPERATE out of.......the Heavenly! (by representation..and by MANIFESTATION!!!)  Somebody PLEASE say.., "Papa God, TAKE me there..!!  SHOW me the way, and cause me to WALK in THAT which You have, from before the foundation of the WORLD was laid, PREpared....for me".
      Again, the OLD..must give way to the NEW! 

Praise our God, family!~!!  I have truely enjoyed sharing this with you!  My heart is aflame with this Word from God!!  This marks the end of the 2nd part (WE are laying a foundation for MORE), beloved...,but stay TUNED, we have a Continuance of Life transforming WORD to traverse of this teaching!! 

Coming  Soon..!  In continuance of this teaching, Part 3, we will search out a spiritual DEPTH and purview having our HEARTS engaged to veiw HEAVEN'S Panoramic!!  We will, within the RANGE and DEPTH of a GOD'S-Eyeview, SEARCH OUT such things as: 
*  "The challenge of Transition is that we must acclimate and modulate to "Nu-norms", "Re-calibrating" in order to accommodate the shifting theme..., but we DO so..but staying Within the parameter and mandate (dictate and precept) of things..which "change NOT", and 'a DISCIPLINE of TRUTH!' " 

     ALSO, Vision,....A promise from God, being a PRE-pared (predestined)  "Place"!  Family of God, we will BREAK IT DOWN and show HOW that....VISION...is our PROJECTILE!!  We will relish in the revelation that VISION is also our PROJECTOR!!!!!  Powerful  in substance AND in rendering..!  Until then, BE blessed (walk actually IN..The BLESSING!!)  AMEN, beloved! 

       I Looooooovvvve the WORD of GOD!  Hallelujah...!!


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