"Living Forward...!" (part 1)

(A quantum leap and a Transporting  of  your VIEW...!  Changing Themes, transition, Shifts and a God  progression) 


" Brethren, not that I have attained (this ideal), ONE thing I do (it is my one aspiration):   FORGETTING what lies behind and straining FORWARD to what lies Ahead Press on  toward the GOAL to win the (supreme and heavenly) prize to which God is Christ Jesus is calling us UPWARD." 
                                                                                                                                    (Phil. 3:13,14)

    O.....(!!) Bless the Lord..O, my SOUL..and ALL..that is within me..BLESS His Holy Name!  O,...worthship Him in the BEAUTY of  His holiness..!!   Delight yourselves also IN Him..and offer to Him the Sacrifice of  praise  -  lifting up the cup of Salvation (!), for He is good and He is  GOD (!!! and that ) ALL...by HIMSELF,  -  beside HIM (O..Bless His name!!)..there IS none other..!  Worthy!  ..He's WorthyAbsolute, and Worthy,..to be PRAISED!  O beloved, He's the LOVER of our soul today, our ONE sustaining strength!..!!  Our ONE…enduring vision..!!!   He STICKS closer than a brother, our walls are EVER before Him..His NAME is "Faithful" and He is TRUE.  CLOSER than the mention of His name,  His Glory  unfolds in AWESOME wonder!  My friend, He's sitting...upon the THRONE of my heart today,..how about you?!!!!  O, come on..let's just PRAISE Him, give Him glory for His goodness sake!  HE..Who is.."THE Amen"!!!  Our God, He is GOOD..!!

   It is with a hearty, Great  God, and joy filled greeting..that I come to you today, my friend!  It is with a true and fervent rejoicing in that matchlesswonderful..and ooooh so PRECIOUS  NAME ..of Jesus, that I come to share this Word from God with you on today!   His Word to us on today beloved, deals with godly TRANSITION and..a Continuance, and does grace the list of what I call, "this ONE thing".  How many of you know that on this path, "in Christ", that we have embarked upon..we will gain a check list of  "this ONE thing (-s)"  -  being, notations of wisdom and lessons given by the Holy Spirit...to tuck under our belt....for the journey?    They are impartations of His grace and UNLIMITED spiritual resource!  God's "ONE thing (-s)" helps give STRUCTURE and Divine insight to our moments...in "time".  Amen!

     Beloved, did you know that the Word says..that Before the day WAS.., HE  is !  Yes..!!  Indeed,..from the time of the first existence of day..and from this day forth (says the Lord)..I..am HE!!  And if you belong to Him, living your LIFE in and through Him..then YOU are under His guardianship, literally.. "in His HAND" , and no one, the Word declares..can PLUCK you out of it (John 10:28,29)He's the God Who calls forth and GUIDES the destinies of generations (!!!!) FROM the beginnning!  HE is the FIRST (existing before history began) and He is with the last (an ever-present, unchanging God) {Isa. 41:4}, and ALL your days were written in a book before Him..when  as yet..there WERE none..of them (Psa. 139:16)!  O, go on and rejoice in that, beloved!  For your GOD..has a blueprint for your life, a PLAN and a PURPOSE, and no situation, circumstance, person (-s), or dilemna can ANNUL it!  Oh, that's AWESOME news for you and I on today, in that GOD has declared..that the things HE has PURPOSED.. will stand!  Amen!  AND that the Word HE has sent concerning you, will NOT come back to Him "void" or, empty of effect, but will ACCOMPLISH (!!!) in the thing it was SENT to (Isa. 55:11)!!  In fact, He's declared your ending..from your beggining! We need to thank the Lord that we are in HIS Hand today, and not laid victims to the fickleness of  changing times!  In fact, the Word of God says in Isa. 43:13 ..that there IS none..that can DELIVER OUT OF..His Hand (John 10:28,29)!! NO ONE  -  and no THING, can snatch you OUT of it..strip, plunder or spoil you..because YOU are IN HIS HAND (God's Own strength, His POWER! even His TIMING, for the psalmist wrote "My times...are IN Thy Hand").  It is the HAND of GOD, my friend, that preserves and upholds us.  It is HIS Hand...which DETERMINES and controls the destinies..of men!!  Amen!  Are you in His Hand, today..beloved? 

   The Word goes on to tell us that He (God) WILL work (to do, or make..ordain), and (the Word says) WHO..can hinder or reverse it?  Ahhhh!  In other words..who..WHAT can turn away from it's purposed conclusion and/or destination, what HE has purposed and planned.  Who..or what can turn BACKWARD or revoke..what HE has determined, declared and decreed?!  That is..causing IT "to cease" to BE?!!  WHAT can truly act as an  OBSTACLE..to a LIMITLESS God Who has DETERMINED to DO a thing, (that is) BRINGING it into fruition and completion?!!  Who and what can OVERTHROW it..???!  Or..Recall it!! (call  it BACKWARD, so as to eradicate it)? ..Act as a "ROAD BLOCK"!??  BLOCK passage or egress?..??   The answer to that beloved is, NO ONE and NOTHING can!!  The enemy can't STOP you , he can only try to cut it off!  Keeping in mind beloved, that we CHOOSE..God's destiny in our lives.  We must co-operate with God and His Divine design.  Purpose..beloved,  is not "an accident", no..it is a CHOICE we make, and if we walk in/and by the Spirit, being obedient and exercising a godly continum, a God progressiveness..He WILL bring you..into the FULLNESS of what He has prepared.. for your life!!  Only WE..can ultimately cause His plan and purpose to not be fulfilled in our lives.  So..don't you ABORT your God destiny, for WHAT He has "made" for YOU..He has Already in terms of spiritual exposure (just like film developed) "made"  BEAUTIFUL (COMPLETE, mature..) THAT which is yet to be perfected and executed in it's  OWN...time!  (Eccl. 3:11)RUN your race..!  IN FACT, since your God has "determined" it, then..you just be DETERMINED as well to FINISH your course!!  TO endure LONG (and to the end)..and pursuing so as to SEIZE, and/or "lay ahold" of THAT (yes, THAT..beloved) which HE has laid upon YOU... for!  Oh,..He's Worthy of more praise than we are giving up on today..beloved!..!! 

     You see,..GOD has got a beautiful plan for your life!  And your God is so adamant, so FERVENT and passionate about you living out  and following through TO THE END the ordained course that He has set before YOU (The Spirit's cry.. "completion!!" ), and the fulfilling of His Divine purposes.....that He has DECREED that He's going to PERFORM (to PERFECT, to bring to an end, accomplish, execute, and complete) the good work..that HE has begun....in YOU (Phil.1:6)!!  You WERE "called" into the Kingdom, beloved..for SUCH a time..as this"!  God..has PLANNED and PURPOSED that you'd be PLACED here..on the planet in just..THIS time (and not another!!), to reveal Christ to your generation, and to live out His purpose!!  You HAD (ahhhhhh!!)..to happen!!  The fact that you are even HERE..is evidence..of that!  YES!  FOR such a time (my..my..my God!!)...as THIS!  Yes, for He Who "began" YOU (in Him)..is the very  ONE..Who has PURPOSED..to give us  an EXPECTED  end (PREdeterminded..end, "outcome"!!), Jer. 29:11!!  Beloved, that is  PROPHETIC phraseology there!  He's going to FINISH..what He began!!  IN FACT, He "finished you" IN HIM..BEFORE He began you!! 

       Bumps in the road?  He's going to BRING you through them all!  Road construction up ahead?  He's going BEFORE you and I (in manner of purpose, place, authority, wisdom and TIME)
..making all those "crooked" places, STRAIGHT!  It may well be the site for a "new thing" altogether!    He it is Who has AUTHORED you in Him, and in His purposes ..and He vows to FINISH them..by bringing them into completion, AND to present you blameless before Him..in that day!  Oh,..it's GOOD news today, my friend, and it's All about GOD..!  Amen!  For HE...has PURPOSED!..!!  He's not PLANNED any defeat for YOU..in Him!!  God PREdestines everything so that PURPOSE..precedes destiny! He's made every provision for your destiny in Him.  IF WE are "willing and  obedient".. determined and courageous (continuing....), we are going to WALK OUT those "pre-destined" things GOD has purposed for our  lives.  Beloved, if we choose His "ordered steps", and maintain our GOD focus..I declare to you on the authority of God's Word, that He’s going to cause us to BIRTH into our every tomorrow..that THING we are pregnant with on today!  We'll see His Glory at every TURN..and stretch!  Let's SEE Him...in our time of transition (the time IN BETWEEN the LEAVING of one place..and the arrival at another PLACE),  and stand DETERMINED to not get discouraged (in relation to REST) or sidetracked (DIGRESSING, and deviating from our God given course)  for WE beloved, have a Divine appointment with God!  Amen! 

 Life's Interruption, and healthy Progression 
     Let's look at this thing called, TRANSITIONWhat is it...exactly?  You know beloved,..you know, I am so glad you asked...(smile).  Transition in general, is the natural progression of LIFE.    Transition..is defined as  the stage of your life's journey..between..the beginning......and THE END.   Life, beloved..is past, present and future..DIVIDED by...transition (or change;)  CHANGE..is a neccessary component to growth and development.  Transition,  musically...is the changing of a key....hmmmm.  Selah (pause, and think on that beloved).  Transition is also defined as.. the time "in between" -  In between, the Leaving of one place, condition, thing, activity..or topic..and the arriving at another!   It is a "shift"..dear friend;  Transition is also the time in the birthing process, right before a pregnant woman delivers of child,  it's the stage that signals her  to PUSH..the baby...out!!  (It is a well known fact that when women are in this stage of the birthing process, they are not altogether emotionally "stable".)    Transition is defined as passage, connecting two themes or sections.  It is...passage from one state or stage to another; Amen.  TRANSITION is an energetic dynamic, as it involves MOVEMENT, passage... progress and progression.  It is a part of TRANSIT, and turning points,.. REvisioning....and crossings.   Shift (speaking of transition), an  impacting WORD..and it speaks of a TRANSlocation (To move or transfer from one place or position to another)!!  It's a word that speaks of a SWITCH, as in the "shifting of GEARS".   It’s to alter position or place; a change from one person or configuration To another; to change place or direction; a substitution (move and exchange for another);  to move very slightly (and for SOME transitions, this is all that's needed);  In Physics,..it's a  change in wavelength;

   Life..is full of change and transition, it has it's fair share of disruptions, it is so..beloved.   From the inception of time..."life" was SET..in motion.  Life is not "static" (motionless), but it emcompasses much movement.  Much transitional movement and positioning which will always require from us an "able  SHIFT" when we are called upon to MOVE with the movement...of  CHANGE.  It is important for our effectiveness to not get STUCK in the labyrinth, or the networking of the DYNAMIC..of change, so that we will be able to REACH and not rip!  STRETCH, beloved, and not...break (!!) within the variation and vicissitudes of CHANGING THEMES. 

     When speaking of "life's INTERRUPTION"..we are speaking of changes..and transitionings which take place in our lives.  It's when life deals you and I an Interruption and CHANGE is God's agenda.   While it is not true that God CAUSES every disruption, many things happen because evil exists in the world, and man has a free will.  There are times too..when we are determined to go on OUR own way..and not  follow the plan of God for our lives and this can certainly place us in dangerous places, and we can come to know a life INTERRUPTION.   So while it isn't true that it's God Who's always CAUSING every disruption in our lives, beloved..what IS true is that He will certainly USE them within the scope of PURPOSE, and work them out for good..if we allow Him to.   In ANY case, in order to Continue...God will move us forward into a healthy transistion

     That word INTERRUPTION, my friend, actually means ... "to sever".   If we were speaking here of  Computer Science.., then an "Interruption" would take place when there's a circuit that conveys a signal..Stopping the execution of a running  program.. so that Another action...can be performed. 

     INTERRUPTION is to break the continuity or uniformity of:  To hinder or stop the action or discourse of (someone) by breaking in on;

     This is a transition that LIFE sometimes takes.  This is the stuff of changing times an shifting themes, beloved.  We were in motion, and going on our way, and life HAPPENS..and we are dealt an "interruption".   ONE thing has severed,..and now is the time for something new and different.  We were connected to ONE thing...and now...we have been... INTERRUPTED  and a disconnect from that thing has been ushered in, and with our wanting or not wanting to, we are...FACED with a new situation.  An interruption is when one thing has been terminated, and now..it is the time for a healthy transition.  It is the FINISHING of one thing..and the beginning of another THING.  It is the discontinuance of something, and the resuming of a continuance..in a different direction.  It is the end of one season..and the start of another.  It is the tearing down of one thing, making way for the building of..something new.  In order for something new to LIVE...something old must die.  It's what takes place when we are leaving what is behind.., Behind..and PRESSING (a PURPOSEFUL  straining forward) TOWARD what is before us!  Behind...simply means, In a place or condition that has been passed or left: In a place or time that has been passed or left by;  

     Change and transition can be CRUCIAL times, and many times we are afraid of it when it takes place in our lives.   Transition can be very disconcerting, very discomfiting..as it TAKES you out of your comfort zone, and shifts you into the unfamiliar.  How many of you know beloved, SOME transitions are easier than others?  While some transitions are just natural and involves very little stress because of their harmonious nature, yet, there are some transitions wherein the CHANGE can be very hard for us to effect, and yet..CHANGE is necessary.  Change always involves a departing from one thing, place, condition, stage, etc..and the initiating of and entering into something NEW.  God sometimes will initate CHANGE in our lives, and we will query at the road AHEAD..having left our "familiar", we are as Peter, commanded to "come", and walk on Water.  For this reason, transition is oftimes a place..of vulnerablility.  Our legs may feel a little wobbly at times, our emotions may fluctuate somewhat (we are more complex than we at first imagined, and we've never been HERE before)....we are having to acclimate on MANY levels to a NEW thing, and move with God.  All of a sudden, it's "the journey from here", wherever your "here" hails from, beloved.  Yes, but yet, we are commanded by our God to MOVE forward.  God's not through with you yet, He has PURPOSE... on His mind!!  

     Change is not always a decision we make, or something we would have chosen..but it is made FOR us through a collective set of circumstances that were out of our control - throwing us into the full thrust of..CHANGE.  The sudden and unexpected passing of a loved one (abrupt change that pushs or drives us quickly and forcibly into transition, we're at a "crossroads"),..storms and upheavals of varied nature and kind, unprecedented events and occurrences that happen within the fluctuations of Time and the seasons she brings (*read Eccl. 1-8).  Beloved, it would seem at times..that  JUST when we think our lives are progressing on ONE God given track,..things are feeling really "comfortable"..and we've reached an ebb and flow, a plateau, a place of even keel..then Life "Happens", and we are made to enjoin with MID-course switching, alteration and modulation.  Transitions, stages, and junctures, all interjecting and signaling that a Progressive continuance  -  a FORWARD moving propulsion, will be required, and that a godly CHANGE must have it's work within our familiar...."borders". 

     When transition presents itself in our lives as a CROSSROADS, it  indeed 
CAN be a trying time.  A "Crossroad" beloved, is a place on this journey that we travel..where we meet an Intersection, or..a place where two or more roads..Meet and we must take One.   A "Crossroad" is generally...a pivotable point in time,  a place of decision making.  IT..is a place where change and transition are introduced...and if the course is to be continued, one must decide to do so HERE.  A "Crossroad" is a place of CHOICES and quite possibly a place on the journey which is life altering, encompassing a defining...moment. 
     The very MUTABILITY in life and nature, my friend, and the variation in circumstance and/or fortune that we encounter at different times in our lives, THESE things..must be addressed, because we ALL will experience them...and DO..experience them.   CHANGE in general..can be an "intimidating" prospect for many of us no matter WHAT that change involves (how many of you know that we really tend to be creatures of HABIT, and we don't LIKE change, per se?)..and we will need the wisdom of God to bring us through them..SO that we can  continue..in His plan and purpose for our lives.    Oh,..hallelujah!  Let us rejoice TODAY beloved..in the God of our PROVISION -  Who IS faithful and Who sustains and maintains us as we journey a PATH...that sometimes.....BENDS..! 

    When treading the unfamiliar ground of change and transition..we come to know the stablizing factor of the Word of God, beloved, for it is written that: Wisdom and knowledge shall be the STABILITY of your times and the strength of your SALVATION!!"  (Isa. 33:6)" 

    Amen!!  It is from Isa. 33:6, ..that we see the neccessity of having the WISDOM of God!  It is having the wisdom and the knowledge of our God in the midst of our transitional times..that will be a steadiness..for us (He..” (The) ROCK, steady”, yes..).  One can seem to almost hear our Paul echoing throughout the macrocosm of time..a transitionally weighty wisdom for this very set of circumstance..saying "but this ONE thing...I do" !  Here we interject, beloved –

        The IMPORTANCE of God's "ONE thing".  

     "ONE thing(-s)" beloved.., are a collection suit of godly and practcial wisdom that brings to us stability!  Often they are given for our admonition and help to steer us by their counsel as we travel along this journey called LIFE.  ONE thing(-s)..are those vital and mandatory expressions of "must do's"  that get us from ONE place..to the another.   "ONE thing(-s)" ..always take our attention from off of other "stuff", to them...and as a Point of focus , and reference..and are to  be used solely in and of themselves, or in conjuction with OTHER things (in this sense they give continuity and contuinum..and on..and on..and on...etc.).  "  "ONE thing(-s)" are CHOICE wisdom, and Pauls usage of it in the phraseology of his declaration in Phil. 3:13..utilizes it as a Connecting phrase, that shapes us..and TAKES us, by manner of it's very construction..TO..the SECOND, and yes..the third (so forth and so on) THING.  It is an enjoining "thing" that acts as a BRIDGE for us in our pivotable POINTS..in time.    "ONE thing(-s)"..mark distance, beloved..they engender space..and pace   -  they are a given wisdom in a moment, within a particular frame of time..weighty and relevant for their context and substance..they help to "ORDER" our steps. "This ONE thing".      "ONE thing(-s)", are essential things, they are SUPPORTING, enforcing things
..that UPHOLD  the traveler engaged in times of transition.  Life has many a "one thing", beloved..and we are wise to search them out in the Holy Spirit..as Honey in the Rock, and as one who is hungry for the MOVE..of God in our life!!..!   You see, some call these things, these "ONE  kind of things.."too busy"  and too full of much..detail.  I call them tailor made, rich and well suited for the NEXT thing..on God's  agenda.  Amen?  Amen!!  NOTE, beloved..the "ONE thing" in God's conversation.    "ONE thing(-s)" are spoken of as terms of MOBILITY.  They introduce and prepare you..for God's next undertaking.  David talks about his "ONE thing" in Psa. 27:4, and this is his singular request, and the prerequisite for his LIFE!!!  As it is, many a  "this ONE thing" ..have been the principle THING that resulted in and was responsible for the new level that God wanted us to operate off of.   There are those ONE thing(-s)" that fashioned you and I on the wheel of God's formation in our walk with Him.  PRECIOUS...Spirit directives (!) parented by God...and flavorFUL wisdom..that establishes us in God's plan in our lives!  Oh, I love God's.. "ONE thing(s)" .  Those.. "ONE thing(-s)" ..are the very things that cause us to SOAR with God and that'll make you cry "HOLY....!" as you lay prostrate at His feet....!!  They are THOSE things which  Kiss your life and circumstance, equipping you, transforming your vision, as they are saturated with tender mercies and loving-kindness. 
THEY Are impacting things which are Authored by Him and Mirror in our heart and minds the Image of the Heavenly, skillful and godly wisdom ..CHOICE nuggets of refined Word..that impart to us ABILITY (the power to DO or act)  - we live in and through them.., IN Him!   "ONE thing(s)" are things that we are to REMEMBER and employ.  They are VITAL, fundamental things that come under the heading of required and requisite!  -  beloved, they are the meat of the matter, the object of the momentary focus..(NOTE them), for they are significant things, UNDERLINED things that are meant to be heard and noted for there importance sake.  ONE thing(-s) are often life altering things, that by our operation of them will deliver us from a storm, cast OUT the enemy and make our adversity OUR footstool!  Lastly I will say..that ONE thing(-s) ..are transitionally adept things..as they put us in "advance" positioning and are never shy on TIMING, no..in fact, they are TIMELY!  When God speaks ONE thing (-s) ...beloved, they ARE right..on time!  Amen!  "This ONE thing...!" " 

"Wisdom and knowledge shall be the STABILITY of your    times...AND the strength of your SALVATION"!! (Isa. 33:6) 

(to be continued....)



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