Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Secret Meaning of The First Verse Of The Bible (Hidden Code!)    


     For 1000’s of years Hebrew language experts have been studying the numerical pictography meanings and hidden messages of Hebrew words.  Hebrew is a very ancient language deriving from one of the oldest languages in the world, Aramaic (to be more technically accurate Hebrew and Aramaic BOTH come from the ancient Phoenician language – Hebrew and Aramaic share many common features, thus many speak of Hebrew coming from Aramaic.) 

     In addition to the numerical values attached to each Hebrew letter as practiced in the ancient practice of the Gematria...there was also an ideographic and pictographic meaning assigned to each letter.  An a SYMBOL that idea...Like the male and female shapes on the outside of public restroom doors.  The Hebrew symbols or pictures and idea expressions of each Hebrew letter are also ancient in their origin.  We have unearthed archeological remains of Hebrew ideographs, STORIES..or ideas expressed in pictures and symbols – EACH is related to a particular Hebrew letter.  There are several ideographic meanings for EACH of the Hebrew letters.  Each letter carrying it’s OWN unique symbol and representing an idea.  And IS possible for someone who understands this ancient practice and arrive at pictographic and ideographic meanings attached to certain Hebrew words. 

     Now..let us examine the Hebrew word “BARASHEET”, most frequently translated as the 3 English words, In the Beginning”.  The word  “BARASHEET":.. is comprised of Hebrew letters “BET RESH ALEPH SHIN YOD TOV”.  It is the 1st word of the Bible, “BARASHEET”.

     The letter, “BET” is pictured as  A HOUSE..or a TENT.

     “RESH” is pictured as a MANS HEAD, meaning...”the FIRST..or the highest person.”

     “ALEPH”, the first letter of the Hebrew pictured as an OX HEAD, meaning..”the FIRST or the ULTIMATE STRENGTH, or GOD Himself!!

     “SHIN” pictured as TWO TEETH..and it means “to DESTROY..or to CONSUME.”

    “YUD” pictured as an ARM..from the fist to the elbow – meaningMY HAND...or MY effort...or MY work.”

     “TAV”, the LAST letter of the Hebrew pictured as 2 CROSS STICKS..or as we now know it...the sign of the CROSS, meaning, “The MARK..or The COVENANT.”

     The Hebrew letters “BET - RESH”,...the 1st 2 letters of “BARASHEET” together FORM the Hebrew or Aramaic word...”BAR”....meaning “The SON”...or “The SON of”.  Thus....the pictographic meaning...starting by SEPARATING the first 2 letters which so obviously carry the meaning “SON OF” leaves us with the last 4..letters:

                               Aleph  -  GOD, the FIRST

                               Shin  -  To DESTROY

                               Yud -  BY His OWN effort or HAND

                               Tov  -  The CROSS

      (* Even if “BAR”  is not  SEPARATED for SON OF [Aramaic], the letters HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF GOD [Jesus] )

     The pictographic sentence constructed from these letters then...would portray this idea in sentence FORM:  “BARASHEET”  -  *The SON of God will be destroyed BY HIS Own HAND..or HIS Own effort...On A CROSS.” 

     In the beginning – or FROM the BEGINNING, it was determined that the Son of God would DIE..on The Cross with His HANDS pierced for OUR transgressions.  But..isn’t this what the Scriptures and the plain text so plainly...tell us..?  Isaiah tells us Messiah will be pierced through for our transgressions.  And the book of Revelation, the LAST BOOK of God’s Word says that the Lamb of God was slain...FROM the foundation (CREATION) of the earth..or FROM...”The BEGINNING.”

     Isa. 53:5...”But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities..”  { * 700 BC}

     Rev. 13:8...”The Lamb that was slain FROM THE CREATION of the world.”

     But...this AMAZING revelation does not END there...!!  The 1st sentence in most English Bibles are translated as “In the beginning God CREATED...the heavens and the earth.”  So..let us FOCUS on the word “CREATED”...  This is the ACTION VERB of the 1st sentence of the Bible.  It is the 1st VERB..found in the Bible.  In the Hebrew sentence structure “CREATED” is actually the 2nd word in the Bible.  It WOULD be more literally translated “In the beginning CREATED God  -  the heavens and the earth.”  The word translated as “CREATED” is the Hebrew word BARA..from the SAME ROOT WORD as “BARASHEET” ( “In the beginning.”).  The Hebrew word “BARA” is spelledBET, RESH, ALEPH.

   “BET” is again a HOUSE.

   “RESH” a MANS HEAD.. the FIRST...or the HIGHEST.

   “ALEPH” pictured as an OX HEAD, meaning GOD...., or ultimate  strength!!”

     Remember..the Hebrew Aramaic word “BAR” is spelled...”BAR – RESH”.  It is the word for SON OF..., – “BAR”..!  That leaves us with the singular letter “ALEPH” meaning, “The MOST POWERFUL, or the FIRST....or the MOST IMPORTANT or...GODSo “BARA”...translated “CREATED (Bar-A), though most literally “TO CREATE” actually depicted as “SON OF GOD.”

                                       BAR  -  “Son of”

                                      Aleph  - “GOD”

                                     “BAR ALEPH”

     So..ALL things were created By The SON of God.  But again..., isn’t this what the plain text of God’s Word has told us all well? 

     In the 1st chapter of John, the 1st verse...we find “In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was WITH God....and the Word WAS GOD.  (And) ALL things came into being THROUGH Him; and APART FROM HIM (Jesus)..NOTHING came into being that has COME into being.”  (John 1:1-3)

     Colossians 1:16...”For BY HIM (Jesus)..all things were CREATED: things in heaven and on earth, visible and INvisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; ALL THINGS are created By Him...and FOR...Him.”

     So it seems..that not only from the plain text of the Bible itself...but also from the Hebrew pictograms..the Bible is clear about The CREATOR.  HE is the Son of GOD.  And NOT ONLY was the Creator “BARA” (the Son of God)...but FROM THE BEGINNING it was also determined He would be...THE REDEEMER The Son of GOD will be destroyed (killed) By His OWN effort (HANDS)...on a CROSS.

               “In the  Beginning ....GOD...CREATED.”     


Genesis 1:1  Divine Authorship

 “In THE BEGINNING (..time)..God created the HEAVEN (space) and the EARTH (matter)”

     The Bible speaks of the creation of TIME...SPACE and Matter in the 1st verse.  It was not until the 20th century that physicists confirmed that the’s components (it’s makeup) and it’s foundation consist of Space, Time and Matter.  In and time are so tightly LINKED..that Astros physicists speak of a SPACE TIME CONTINUUM.  While scientific and philosophic speculation about the basic structure of the universe has VARIED widely, the fact that the universe consists basically of space, time and matter, the scientifically accepted fact since the 20th century was clearly seen in the very 1st verse..of the Bible, WRITTEN 30 centuries ago.  HOW could the writer of Genesis..and the very 1st verse HAVE KNOWN of the scientific TRUTH that would not be confirmed until over 2000 years later?  But also the very 1st verse of the Bible we find yet ANOTHER astounding piece of evidence of supernatural or Divine Authorship

FIRST....consider this:   The Number 7

     It is an undeniable fact that the number 7 is the Biblical number of COMPLETION or PERFECTION..or specifically Divine AUTHORship.  Over 500 times in the Bible..the number 7 is used to show the TOUCH OF GOD..or DIVINITY upon something.  This begins with the 7 first days of creation and the 7th  being declared by Holy.  There are 7 colors in a rainbow.  There are 7 notes..on a musical scale.  There are 7 stars in the Big Dipper, and this heavenly sign has been used to POINT to the North star, or the GUIDING star since the most ancient of times.  7 objects in our solar system are visible to the naked eye (sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn).  7 digits in a row has been proven over and over to be the average limit of memory for most human beings, thus, we have only 7 digits in our phone numbers.  There are 7 antiquity upon which civilization was based (lead, tin, copper, mercury, silver and gold).  The Periodic table of elements consists of 7 distinct levels  -  and ON and On the 7’s in the world around us GO.  EACH..representing God’s Divine TOUCH of COMPLETENESS upon something.

     Now...with this IN MIND......consider again the very 1st words in the Bible.  There very first sentence, translated in English as “In the BEGINNING God created the Heaven and the Earth.”  It contains exactly 10 WORDS.  But in the original Hebrew...there are exactly 7 WORDS....and the 7 words possess 7 DISTINCT features of the number.....7.  As far as anyone has been able to determine THUS FAR....only THIS ONE VERSE in all the Bible CONTAINS 7 features........of the number 7...out of 7.....WORDS.

     Consider these 7 features:

     Feature #1  - the number of Hebrew word in this verse is exactly 7.

     Feature #2 – the total number of Hebrew letters in the 7 exactly 28, or....4 x 7.

     Feature #3 – the 3 leading words in this verse of 7 words...are GOD (the subject)..and heavens and earth (the objects).  ......The number of letters in the Hebrew words...that make up these 3 exactly 14, or 2 x 7.  The number of letters in the remaining words of the verse is Also 14,...or 2 x 7.

     Feature # 4 - the expression of the 2 objects of this sentence, THE HEAVENS and THE EARTH in made UP of 14 letters,...or 2 x 7.

     Feature # 5 – the SHORTEST word is in the MIDDLE.  ...The number of letters in THIS word...AND to its 7.  The number of letters in the middle word and the word to its Also....7

     Feature # 6 – there are 3 important nouns in this 1st verse:  GOD, HEAVENS..and EARTH.  The number of Gematria values of these 3 nouns..are 86, 395 and 296, respectively.  GEMATRIA is the 3000 year old Hebrew rabbinical practice of assigning numerical values to each of the Hebrew letters.  When THESE 3 numerical values are added together....the TOTAL 777.

                                     86 + 395+ 296 = 777 ......or 111 x 7

     In God’s manner of Biblical expression..this TRIPLE intensification of His perfect number the strongest possible manner of speaking the TOUCH..of His Divinity...!!

     Feature # 7  - these numeric features or FACTS...are strangely HIDDEN BENEATH the surface.  They are truly BEYOND the view of ordinary readers of the Hebrew text and they are discovered only by special investigation and COUNTING.  Surely they could NOT have been foreseen or purposely PLACED there by the original author.  According to the law of CHANCES...for any ONE feature of a 7 word sentence to be a multiple of 7 only 1 7.  But for 7 features of this one 7 word sentence to be a multiple of 7 ONE 823,543  -  an exponentially AMAZING impossibility, especially considering that the number 7 is used PURPOSELY by the Biblical writers over 500 times from Genesis to INDICATE..the Divine TOUCH of God...!!  It’s as if God is telling those who have eyes to SEE in the very 1st verse, His Divine TOUCH is upon this WORD we call the Bible. !!  This startling revelation of 7’s Has only been discovered in the last few years....of human history.