"None of These Things Move Me!!" (Developing in the discipline of TRUTH) You know, beloved..I don’t know about you,..but I don’t want to be MOVED..by just anything! But the truth is we ALL have been “moved” at some time or another over the course of our walk with God..HOWEVER slightly. The Word of God teaches us that IN HIM - that is IN Christ Jesus we, Church.. live, and MOVE..and have our being! (Acts 17:28) That Word "move" has as it’s definitions words like stirring, an agitation..like that of a washing machine. It speaks of being spurred to action, to throw in commotion..or CHANGING from one position TO another, we “MOVED”, to set in MOTION, to dislodge from a FIXED point of view, just to name a few. How many of you know that ..our FLESH/carnal nature is always wanting to “react”,…but the Spirit of God in our spirits..teaches US to “RESPOND”. Oh, I know that they mean pretty much the same thing, but I want to offer a distinction in order to illust...