Thursday, December 1, 2011

 "Fearfully..and wonderfully made..."
(a a higher consciousness and standard  of measure)
"Thinking...OUTSIDE the Box"
("I will praise You..for I am fearfully and wonderfully MADE, marvelous are Your works......and that my soul knows very well."  Psa. 139:14)
   To.....the enlarging of your spatial spiritual parameters...a word, a moments inspire one to greatness.  We all have it (greatness.. that is)...AND the ability to change...and "think outside the box". A phrase..that has been in my spirit a lot of late...yes.  (A question to you today) Do we "dare" to be DO something..UNLIKE someone else's way of  doing   it,   at    the risk   of   being  ostracized,   labeled "unconventional", and told "you aren't doing it right"..or as it's "always" done?? Or even worse..."you aren't doing it the way I..would do it".....

   How...small-minded we really are at times, beloved...(while professing to be so broad in our scope).  How "high-minded" to  THINK..that everyone should be a clone of us...and do it...OUR way.  How we...LIMIT freedom of expression... our distorted  view.  The ability to CHANGE..and to effect  "change" in the standard (and oftimes boring) way of "doing THINGS ", a right given to....all.  And..think about it...who wrote those "rules"....anyway??  Was it those..who "dared" to be different, and somehow THEIR different  found acceptance in the general populace?  O CONTRAIRE!!   They defied the imposed limitations of mere "men" and defined new, and ever-changing awareness's  - NOT scripted  by the iron-clad restrictions of the self-imposing.  Beloved, They  "dared" to......BE!!

   There is a segment of humankind...who THINK that those who have inspired and defined new awareness's, GOD, having the last say..and "changing not". truth...they are in answer to a primal "call" to effect change..and change ...againtomorrow..and every NEW tomorrow becomes for them, A BLANK CANVAS  -  imbued with a fresh palette  of colours - just can't BOX them!  We awe of their..peculiar deposit in the earth. (Oooohhhhh!!  What a wonder of diversity God has in the creating and forming of His "man""!)

   I sit..and think.., I wonder about the greats of our time..and those of old..., HOW that nothing truly extraordinary...nothing ... truly GREAT originated from the fount of the familiar mundane  -  but from you..and like me ("ordinary")...who released greatness from within in standard-breaking, new.., inspired.., FRESH..and  revolutionary...ways. These "broke THROUGH" the zone  called "commonplace" and peaked "a" perfection....something birthed  from deep within  the deep folds and recesses of their individual being; embarking upon uncharted the beauty..and complexity..of their own (God-formed)...uniqueness...!~! 

   We, as people...face the grave danger..of getting so "used to" established modes of "greatness"..and being so very close-minded, as to the allowance of the thinking outside the "box"...that we, in effect, NEGATE our opportunity, as to the entrance.......of something "different ".  (Remember beloved...God broke the "mold" when He made YOU..., but..He made others..UNLIKE you.  As..these may not BE "a clone" of you..they are certainly unique in their INDIVIDUAL construction.  They..may not sway to your beat..but they have a God rhythm implanted in them..that is relative to who THEY Him.  God meant for us to benefit from each other...even if we DON'T all  "look alike" it all the "same way"..sing it "differently" etc.; OTHERS..beside ourselves have "vision" (and THAT, from God).  Learning a spiritually mature vision. WE don't "define" "holy"  GOD does.  We aren't to be "clones" of each other, no.  Paul said..."Follow (IMITATE) me..AS I...follow CHRIST"!   Christ the MOLD we are to thought.., in word, in deed and action.  AmenAsk yourself.."am I attempting to 'BOX' God..through my own prejudices"?  For many of us "saved folk"'s's PREJUDICE...and not "preference" that BOXES well as those we seek to "influence" in the things of God. 

   The danger..we, as "little creators" that of being BOXED by those who cannot SEE beyond their "familiar"....who take as suspect..and as a grievance, every new thing.  The danger is that of becoming prisoner to the "opinions" of others..who knowingly, or unknowingly CHOKE the life out of our vision.  Resulting..sadly a missed opportunity to topple....ordinaryMay I tell you't "ordinary"....not really.  WHAT you unique.  Each..and every ONE of you.  I say to you...who can  hear what the Spirit of God is saying today (for not all can hear this, for they cannot "bear" it)  -  DARE  to sing a song..never sung!!  DARE to live your dreams, instead of (just) nurturing them......., to FLY while others are "content" to keep their feet on the ground!!  Embracing  the ecstatic thrill  of "hits and misses", with the self - satisfaction of knowing.."at least..I spread my wings"  I be "different" .  I released my individual "greatness".  I dared to take a LEAP of faith.., to swim in the ocean (depths) of a GREAT possibility.  I DARED taste (beloved..) of the "deep"!  With the misses.....a chance to perfect  greatness.  With the hits........sublime.
   Divinity poured forthGod...has planted a seed of GREATNESS in you:

   YOU..are the direct articulation..and manifestation, of a Divine thought; and you are the EXPRESSION of  His manifold workmanship.  You, in time (chronos).., are the "turning of the page"  -  another thing (altogether), unlike any other he's created before, or since.  How glorious.....the creation of His sight.  YOU are the Divine accent  upon His phrase...when He said..."BE"!!  He salted and peppered you..with a savor and flavor uniquely...your own...and then He said.."It is VERY good "!!  Within you....the richness of HIS glory (He's " you."!!)  Can you see yourself through God's eye's today...? My prayer....that you can.

   Pray with"Father God....prepare me..for change.  Help me to receive with joy..the manifold expression of Yourself in others..unlike myself........and HELP me to You.  Give me Your Divine vision..that I may see like You see...and help me to think..OUTSIDE the box. Mold me..., make me.., form me in Your likeness..that I may be a vessel who PLEASES....You.  Help me to see the glory of others, and myself; enable me to be an expression of Your glory, in the earth.  I love You Lord.., I truly love You. In Jesus' name...I pray this humble prayer.  Amen."

    My that God, working in concert  with you..will DRAW OUT of you - excavate, if you will..., the greatness of THE SEED He has planted in you.  You...have a "peculiar Deposit" in the deep mysterious region (CORE) of you..that was created for a center-stage....and this is TRUE.  It's my prayer today, that God will showcase as He chisels and molds...the beauty of your creation today; that all that you are..will bring glory to HIM Who has created you for His glory.  That YOU...may PEAK "a" sublime....perfection..wrought from the uncharted "courses" you.  There's a "fullness of measure in you"....yet..untapped...., unseen with the natural EYE. beloved dear sister......are a work..yet to be displayed, and the depth you've about to SHIFT (!!) to a higher level and REVEAL..glory.  There's more in your hand than you know.  Yes.  If you could God would never again "settle" for.....ordinary.  You really aren't a "plain Jane",...and "typical Terrance"..isn't your TRUE..."I.D."  ..No more "pseudo identity" for were KINGDOM bred for greatness!  So...FROM NOW ON...when you meditate of the greatness of God's WORKS..forget not the greatness of His the creating of YOU.  You are "OFFSPRING"..of God.  "Jehovah Elohim" (The Lord...Creator)..lives inside of you;  And HE is the Creator...of all  creators...., of all CREATIONS!  Amen.

                                                          Closing Thoughts

*  Uniqueness is not defined  by our similarities..but by our differences (diversity).
Beauty  is not subject to one mans "point"...of view (there are many angles to be considered ).
*  One of the greatest the ability to change!
*  Let  no one "measure" your capacities...THEY are "hidden in God - Christ "!!  (1 Cor. 2:9-10)
*  The "sky" not..."the LIMIT..!!"  (Don't LIMIT the Holy One of Israel!)

*  And lastly...(this one thing....): You will NEVER be "big" (in GOD), if "little" got you!!  THINK BIG......with God!!

             MANIFOLD..are Your works...O Lord!!
                    (for you...are fearfully...and wonderfully MADE !)

Soul Food: (confession)  "I am a GOOD  thing  -  for I am fearfully and wonderfully....MADE !!  God WILL perfect...and BRING to completion, the GOOD work......HE has me!!  PRAISE His great name..forever more!!!!  HALLELUJAH!!! "

 Gen. 1:26,27...31 ("and God said...'it is very...GOOD' "!) 
 Psa. 139: 13-17 (selah...hmmmmmmmm, pause, and think  on that)

   YOU..were created..for His glory...(Pause..and think of THAT!) were created..for His very PLEASURE  (Rev. 4:11; what a precious.. precious knowledge..)  You are a "good thing", and a PRODUCT of God..and it's ALL..(ALL..!) about Him.  I love you today beloved,  (indeed) I see in you the GLORY of our King..!  How wonderful...  HOW marvelous.....  SO purpose..that you will allow God to dig deep and change (transform) you continually in His Presence.  He wants to excavate and reveal the great things He's planted in you...that He may get the glory out of your life.  Giving BACK to HIM......all the life He's given to you..., oohhhh  SHINE...saint! 
                                   ....Until we speak again  
       Yours in Christ and in His AGAPE,
                           Minister Barbara Williams-Gore


  1. Love it and I'm sharing you with all my friends. XOXO

  2. Woman of God, thank you so much for sharing these words of wisdom, as well as encouragement. May you be replenished, for what you have poured out.

  3. This blog will certainly be my "daily dose." I have already notified everyone I know to stop by. What a fabulous blog dear Barbara! <3
