
Showing posts from August, 2013
                      "It's NOT what they CALL's what YOU...'ANSWER' to..!!"  Greetings beloved...!!    A QUESTION: Did you know....that the greatest things GOD does...He does in  the dark... when no one is looking??.....? It's so true, beloved! The greatest changes He will perform in your life..He will do WITHOUT the discernment of "the crowd", or the gazing of...onlookers.  ABRAHAM'S story..beloved, is a very interesting one. Let's look at one aspect of it. *GOD.. CHANGED ABRAM'S NAME! Read for yourself, Gen 17: 1-17. We see in this text..God CHANGING Abram's and Sarai's names (i.e. verses 5, 15,16). The name ABRAM..comes from the Hebrew root Abar, which has several meanings. It means "to soar..or mount". This was illustrated by Abram's faith -- Heb.11:8; by his daring expedition into the unknown, his a land of promise; by his looking for a city GOD built...